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  • 1.
    Engwall, Magnus
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Larsson, Maria
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM. 202100-1975.
    Bioanalys av organiska föroreningars biotillgänglighet: - tillämpning i sanerade massor2009Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Polycykliska aromatiska kolväten (PAHer) är relativt vanliga i förorenade områden, särskilt på gamla gasverktomter, bensinstationer och tidigare impregneringsanläggningar. På grund av deras toxicitet så är sanering av PAH-förorenade områden av hög prioritet. För att minska riskerna med PAH-förorenade jordar, både före och efter sanering, är det viktigt att åstadkomma en heltäckande riskbedömning och säker klassning av dessa jordmassor. De generella riktvärden för PAH-förorenad mark som används idag är i regel baserade på kemisk analys av 16 standard PAHer (PAH16), trots att det ofta förekommer 100-tals PAHer och PAHmetaboliter i jordarna. I detta projekt har vi genom att jämföra kemisk och biologisk analys (H4IIEluc) av ett flertal sanerade PAH-förorenade jordprover studerat om toxiciteten verkligen minskar i proportion till minskningen av PAHer i jordarna. H4IIE-luc är en mekanismspecifik bioanalys som detekterar alla ämnen som aktiverar Ahreceptorn, en av de två viktigaste mekanismerna bakom PAHers toxicitet. Jämförelsen av resultaten visade att den totala toxiciteten i de sanerade jordproverna inte gick att förklara med kemisk analys av PAH16 och att man därmed med dagens analysmetodik riskerar att missa toxikologiskt relevanta PAHer och andra liknande ämnen. Vidare kemiska identifieringsstudier samt bioanalytiska studier krävs för att ta reda på om dessa okända ämnen utgör en risk för människa eller miljö. Våra resultat visar på svagheten med kemisk analys av ett mindre antal ämnen som grundval för klassning av renade massor. Det är därför är rimligt att inkludera mekanismspecifika tester i riskbedömning och vid klassning av renade PAHförorenade jordar. Dels för att minimera riskerna som dessa jordar kan utgöra för människor och miljö, dels för att man med en större säkerhet och i större utsträckning skall kunna återanvända sanerade jordmassor. 

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  • 2.
    Ericson, Ingrid;,
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    van Bavel, Bert
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Lindström, Gunilla
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Screening av humanvävnad2008Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    To expand our monitoring focus and to make complementary additions to the POPs traditionally measured we undertook a POP screening study of human tissue representative for Swedish adults in 2007. Among the compounds assessed in this study are several classes of organohalogen contaminants, such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) and their brominated homologues (PBDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and their hydroxylated metabolites (OH-PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and other bromine containing compounds, a number of organochlorine Stockholm Convention pesticides including toxaphene, and several recently identified perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs). The analytical techniques used were based on various GC and HPLC massspectrometry applications after clean-up and fractionation of blood and adipose tissue samples. The profile of the PCDD/F in 2007 is considered to be unchanged since the 90’s. The shift in congener profile from BDE #47, earlier being the dominant congener in human tissues, to BDE# 153 being dominant is confirmed in this study. Levels of PCBs are lower in this study group in relation to earlier fish consumers’ levels. Six individual PFCs were detected in the blood samples analysed. PFOS was detected at the highest concentration, with a geometric mean of 16 ng/ml, followed by PFOA, 2,4 ng/ml, PFHxS, PFNA, PFDA and PFUnDA were present at similar levels. There is a need to further investigate individual exposures to PFCs and identify high exposure groups. Brominated PBDFs were found in human adipose at concentrations of 0.27-2.24 pg/g, being the first results on a larger material of the general population in Sweden. The screening of a larger sample seize of human adipose tissue revealed several unknown, bromine containing POPs. Both smaller and larger bromine containing compounds besides the known BDEs were found. Positive identification of these compounds will require authentic standards and high resolution GC/MS analysis.

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  • 3.
    Ericson Jogsten, Ingrid
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Yeung, Leo
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Analysis of ultra-short chain perfluoroalkyl substances in Swedish environmental waters2017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the environmental occurrence of ultra-short chain perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in Swedish water samples. So far established protocols have focused on measuring PFASs with a carbon chain length of four or more carbons. In this study, perfluoroalkyl sulfonates of chain lengths of two, perfluoroethane sulfonate (PFEtS), and three, perfluoropropane sulfonate (PFPrS), carbons have been measured using a newly established instrumental method employing supercritical fluid separation (SFC) coupled to tandem mass spectrometry detection.

    A total of 26 samples were analysed, including ground water, surface water, rain water and snow. The sample locations included military and civilian airports, a former hard chromium plating facility, the vicinity of a hazardous waste management facility and background areas (lake surface water, rain and snow). Results show that both PFPrS and PFEtS could be detected in environmental samples using SFC separation coupled to triple quadrupole detection. Out of the 26 samples analysed, the ultra-short-chain PFPrS could be detected and quantified in 22 samples. The concentrations for PFPrS in all the samples ranged between 0.93 ng/l to 39 000 ng/l. The ultra-short-chain PFPEtS could be quantified in all of the 26 samples, with a concentration range between 0.07 and 5 700 ng/l. The highest concentrations represents highly contaminated ground water samples collected from a military airport. In the samples, PFPrS had a relative contribution to total PFAS concentration of 6 and 10 %, indicating the importance of measuring these compounds in environmental samples.

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  • 4.
    Eriksson, Ulrika
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Haglund, Peter
    Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU, Umeå universitet, teknisk- naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, kemiska institutionen.
    Kärrman, Anna
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Screening of PFASs in sludge and water from waste water treatment plants2017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study was to assess the contribution from precursor compounds to the total amount of selected PFASs in water and sludge from Swedish waste water treatment plants, as a supplemental to previous studies of two persistent PFAS-classes; perfluorocarboxylic acids (PFCAs) and perfluorosulfonic acids (PFSAs). Compound classes added in this study were fluorotelomer sulfonic acids (FTSAs), polyfluoroalkyl phosphoric acid esters (PAPs), perfluoroalkyl phosphonic and phosphinic acids (PFPAs, PFPiAs), perfluoralkane sulfonamides (FOSAs), and sulfonamido ethanols (FOSEs), and also the intermediates fluorotelomer unsaturated carboxylic acids (FTUCAs) and the stable transformation products fluorotelomer carboxylic acids (FTCAs). Three waste water treatment plants were included; Gässlösa (Borås), Henriksdal (Stockholm) and Umeå. PFAS levels in sludge from 2012. 2014, and 2015, and in filtered effluent and influent water from 2015 are reported. Precursor compounds were detected in sludge and influent water from all three WWTPs. Levels of precursor compounds in sludge samples exceeded those of persistent PFASs. Increasing PFCA levels in the effluent water compared to the influent water was observed, especially for the short-chained PFCAs. Occurrence of precursor compounds in influent water and sludge indicate degradation of precursor compounds to persistent PFASs.

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  • 5.
    Golovko, Oksana
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
    Fredriksson, Felicia
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Larsson, Pontus
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Yuen, Nim Tung Calista
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Yeung, Leo
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Kärrman, Anna
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Ahrens, Lutz
    Executive, Universitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
    Wiberg, Karin
    Executive, Universitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
    Spridning av mikroföroreningar och per- och polyfluoralkyl substanser (PFAS) till jordbruk vid bevattning med kommunalt avloppsvatten2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The reuse of wastewater for agricultural irrigation is one way to reduce the demand for freshwater but it can also introduce pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and other chemicals into the agricultural ecosystem and food chain. The aim of this study was to measure a range of potentially harmful organic micropollutants (OMPs), such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, industrial chemicals, pesticides, and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), in wastewater effluent used for irrigation and in the receiving farmland. Four sampling occasions of effluent water at two wastewater treatment plants in Gotland were conducted during July and August 2021. In addition, soil and earthworms were sampled in September 2021 after harvest from two fields irrigated with the monitored wastewater and one field that had not been irrigated that season. Potatoes still in the ground were sampled from one of the irrigated fields.

    A wide range of OMP concentrations (ng/L to ug/L) were found in the effluent water, and in total 35 of 77 analyzed OMPs were detected. A total of 19 out of 24 different PFAS were detected in the effluent samples in the range of 0.1-1000 ng/L. Extractable organofluorine (EOF) and total oxidizable precursors (TOP) were measured in water samples in addition to target PFAS. The range for EOF in effluent samples were 366-507 ng/L and only two samples out of the total eight effluent samples showed a small increase in concentrations of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) after oxidation.

    None of the OMPs in this study was detected in any of the soil samples. Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) was found over the detection limit in soil from both irrigated fields (0.14-0.17 ng/g d.w.) but was below the detection limit at the reference site. Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) was found at low levels closely above the detection limit in one of the irrigated fields (0.22 ng/g d.w.) and the nearby reference site (0.27 ng/g d.w.). The EOF analysis of soil did not result in any further information due to an elevated detection limit (280 ng/g d.w.).

    Out of 77 analyzed OMPs, only five OMPs (sotalol, oxazepam, metformin, ethylparaben, and venlafaxine) were found in earthworms in the concentration range 8.4-160 ng/g d.w. Between five and ten PFAS were detected in earthworms from the two irrigated fields (19-35 ng/g d.w. for ΣPFAS) and seven PFAS were found in worms from the reference site with ΣPFAS concentration of 69 ng/g d.w.

    Only two OMP compounds (6.6 ng/g d.w. for metformin and 340 ng/g d.w. for BAM) were found in potatoes collected from one irrigated field, and none of the PFAS could be detected.

    The present study could detect only a few PFAS and other OMPs in soil and potatoes from the land irrigated with wastewater effluent. Bioaccumulation of five OMPs and up to ten PFAS was shown in earthworms at the irrigated farmland but also at the reference site. Thus, this study could not reveal any impact of irrigated wastewater to the soil or earthworm. However, this was a limited study and it cannot be excluded the uptake of OMPs to edible plants or leaching into groundwater.

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  • 6.
    Hagberg, Jessica
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Kärrman, Anna
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Bjurlid, Filip
    Arbets- och miljömedicin, Region Örebro län.
    Spädbarns exponering för miljögifter2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I den här studien har spädbarns exponering för miljögifter vid födseln och under det första levnadsåret undersökts genom att analysera PCB, pesticider, dioxiner, PBDE och PFAS i navelsträngsblod, och matchade prover av bröstmjölk och serum från mammor och deras spädbarn vid tre tidpunkter under spädbarnens första levnadsår. I studien deltog tio mammor och deras nyfödda barn. Resultaten tyder på att PFOA överförs till foster via placentan i högre omfattning än andra PFAS och miljögifter. Halterna av miljögifter i bröstmjölk var generellt lägre 6 månader efter förlossningen jämfört med 3 månader efter. Statistiskt signifikant lägre koncentrationer påvisades endast för pesticider (∑Pest). Mammornas serumkoncentrationer uppvisade för de flesta ämnen en något sjunkande trend under de två efterföljande provtagningstillfällena. För spädbarnen var trenden motsatt och starkare. Då skillnader mellan spädbarnens och mammornas serumkoncentrationer undersöktes, kunde statistiskt signifikant högre koncentrationer av PFHpS, PFOA, PFNA, PCB-74, -118, -138, -153, -156, -157, -170, -180 och p,p’-DDE påvisas i spädbarnens serum vid ett eller flera provtagningstillfällen. Störst skillnad i serumkoncentration påvisades för PFOA, där spädbarnen vid 12 månaders ålder hade 6,7 gånger högre halter än mammorna. För PFUnDA var spädbarnens serumkoncentrationer statistiskt signifikant lägre än mammornas vid provtagningen 6 månader efter förlossningen.

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  • 7.
    Hagberg, Jessika
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Lindström, Gunilla
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    van Bavel, Bert
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    “Screening av PBDD/F i humana matriser”2011Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In a screening study during 2007-2008, also performed by MTM and commissioned by

    the Swedish EPA, the presence of polybrominated dibenzo-

    p furans (PBDFs) were

    detected in human adipose tissue from the Swedish population for the first time. In this

    study ten additional adipose samples were analysed for polybrominated dibenzo-


    dioxins and furans, PBDD/Fs. In all samples, 2,3,7,8-TeBDF was present in levels

    ranging from 0.23 to 0.54 pg g

    -1 lipid and pentabrominated furans were present in nine

    out of ten samples. The levels of 2,3,7,8-TeBDF, 1,2,3,7,8- and 2,3,4,7,8-PeBDF were

    similar to those reported in the previous screening study [1].

    By lowering the detection limits by using larger injection volumes by employing the PTV

    injection technique, 2,3,7,8-TeBDD, 1,2,3,4,7,8-/1,2,3,6,7,8-HxBDD, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-

    HpBDD, 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxBDF and 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpBDF were detected for the first time in

    human adipose tissue samples from Sweden. 2,3,7,8-TeBDD was detected in five out of

    ten samples in the range of 0.03-0.05 pg g

    -1 lipid. 2,3,7,8-TeBDD has been detected in

    samples with human origin earlier but not in samples from Sweden and levels of

    1,2,3,4,7,8-HxBDF has previously been detected in human milk samples from several

    countries, including Sweden. However, the detection of 1,2,3,4,7,8-/1,2,3,6,7,8-HxBDD,

    1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpBDD and 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpBDF in human tissue is to our knowledge

    reported for the first time.

    To summarize, results from nineteen samples (the present and previous study)

    demonstrate the presence of brominated furans in the general Swedish population.

    Additionally, the individuals having the highest PBDD/F concentrations had also the

    highest levels of PCDD/Fs (pg TEQ g

    -1). This might support the general assumption that

    brominated and chlorinated dioxins have the same sources and exposure routes.

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  • 8.
    Helmfrid, Ingela
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Linköpings universitet, LiU.
    Stensson, Niclas
    Executive, Universitet, Linköpings universitet, LiU.
    Ljunggren, Stefan
    Executive, Universitet, Linköpings universitet, LiU.
    Kärrman, Anna
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Nauta, Welmoed
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Karlsson, Helen
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    PFAS-exponering via konsumtion av insjöfisk2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Exponering av PFAS sker främst från livsmedel. Dricksvatten och fisk kan vara betydande källor till exponering. I denna studie har samband mellan PFAS-halter i blodplasma och insjöfiskkonsumtion undersökts. Studiepersoner har rekryterats från Glasbrukskohorten, där urvalet av deltagare har identifierats via enkätuppgifter om fiskkonsumtion. Totalt ingår blodplasma från 134 individer i studien där 66 högkonsumenter köns- och ålders-matchats med 68 icke-konsumenter av insjöfisk.Högkonsumenterna av insjöfisk hade generellt högre koncentrationer av PFAS i plasma, och L-PFOS, PFNA, och PFECHS var statistiskt signifikant högre i högkonsumenterna jämfört med icke-konsumenter. Summan av 11 PFAS-ämnens koncentrationer ökade med ålder, och var signifikant högre hos män jämfört med kvinnor.Studien bekräftar att konsumtion av insjöfisk kan vara en bidragande exponeringskälla till PFAS i allmänbefolkningen. Konsumtion av skaldjur och annan fisk bidrar sannolikt också till exponeringen, vilket vi avser att undersöka vidare.

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  • 9.
    Järnberg, Ulf
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för tillämpad miljövetenskap, ITM.
    Holmström, Katrin
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för tillämpad miljövetenskap, ITM.
    van Bavel, Bert
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Kärrman, Anna
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Perfluoroalkylated acids and related compounds (PFAS) in the Swedish environment2007Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    The perfluoroalkylated substances have gained increased attention among scientists and regulators during the last few years. In particular, perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and similar perfluorinated alkylated acids are regarded as the most stable end products of various perfluoroalkylated substances and have been shown to be extremely stable, bioconcentrate and biomagnify and have several toxicological effects. The industrial chemistry of perfluoroalkylated substances is extremely diverse and includes almost all chemical functionalities from simple pure alkanes to complex co-polymers. Major usage of perfluoroalkylated products is related to polymeric compounds and the dominant release to the environment is from primary and secondary production plants which are lacking in the Nordic countries. The occurrence of elevated concentrations of perfluoroalkylated acids in Sweden is strongly related to urbanized areas and the most likely path into the aquatic environment is through sewage water, although atmospheric input is also possible via more volatile precursor compounds. Up to 40 times elevated concentrations were found in biota from urban areas compared to unpolluted areas. Lake Mälaren and lower parts of the river Helge å are examples of aqueous environments clearly contaminated by PFOS. One of several potential point sources in Sweden has been screened for PFOS. A firefighting training site was found to release PFOS to the local aqueous environment (wetland) where μg/l concentrations where found. Long chain (more than 8 C for sulfonates and 10 C or more for carboxylates) perfluoroalkylated acids are readily taken up by biota in aqueous environments and reach very high concentrations in predators at high trophic levels of aquatic food webs. Baltic guillemot egg showed an increasing trend in PFOS concentration from 20-30 ng/g by the end of sixties to more than 600 ng/g at present. Freshwater otter from various locations in Sweden showed concentrations similar to guillemot eggs and Baltic grey seal has extreme values up to ten times higher (21 μg/g sum of all acids 6-14 C, PFOS alone:11μg/g). Human exposure, as described by Swedish human blood levels, appears to be similar to most other countries. No extreme values were encountered which would indicate occupational exposure. An excessive consumption of freshwater fish may contribute to an increased exposure, but this could not be clearly verified. Occupational settings where exposure to precursor compounds can take place are present in Sweden and should be included in future studies. Industrial use of textile and leather impregnating formulations result in elevated concentrations of perfluorocarboylates in effluent water from sewage treatment plants. The relation between effluent and biota concentrations for an aquatic environment with this type of activity needs to be further described in particular for perfluoroalkyl carboxylates which are currently being discharged in Sweden. Exposure routes and distribution behavior are yet not completely described for many PFAS, in particular their precursors. Environmental levels, human levels and human exposure data are lacking for a wide variety of PFAS discussed in this report

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  • 10.
    Karlsson, Therese
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Göteborgs universitet, Göteborgs universitet, Sven Lovén centrum för marina vetenskaper.
    Kärrman, Anna
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Rotander, Anna
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Hassellöv, Martin
    Executive, Universitet, Göteborgs universitet, Göteborgs universitet, Sven Lovén centrum för marina vetenskaper.
    Provtagningsmetoder för mikroplast >300 μm i ytvatten: En jämförelsestudie mellan pump och trål2018Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Sampling and analyzing microplastics (MPs) comes with a unique set of challenges and currently a wide variety of methods are developed and applied. In order to facilitate future environmental monitoring we compared two methods that are often used for sampling MPs >300 μm; a manta trawl and a filtering pump. Six replicates per method were taken during calm weather conditions in the same location on the same day. The volume per replicate was 20 m3 for the pump and approximately 60 m3 for the trawl. Following analysis was done with visual sorting in a stereo microscope. The same person analyzed all samples and the anthropogenic particles were divided into eleven classification categories.

    In the pump samples zero to eight MPs were found per sample, rendering an arithmetic mean of 0.17 MPs/m3. In the trawl samples the numbers varied between 9 and 33 MPs, which corresponded to a significantly higher concentration per volume than the pump with an arithmetic mean of 0.32 MPs/m3. The results also indicated that in order to reach a statistical power of 60%, ten pump replicates would be needed to measure a difference between the examined area and an uncontaminated area. For the trawl a corresponding number of two replicates would be required. Alternatively a higher sample volume can be applied, which would render a higher certainty as the distribution data would approach a Gaussian distribution. A higher sampling volume would also lower the measurement uncertainty as it would decrease fluctuations in the counting statistics. Variations in measurement uncertainty between the methods was hypothesized to be primarily related to the differences in sample volume and could also be compensated through increasing the volume sampled, which would be somewhat faster than increasing the amount of replicates.

    The composition of MPs in the study varied between the replicates but mainly consisted of expanded cellular plastics, films, filaments and fragments. Each pump sample had on average 1.3 films and 0.33 expanded cellular plastics whereas each trawl sample had on average 2.5 films and 9.2 expanded cellular plastics. Per unit of volume the majority of the particles in the pump samples (40%) consisted of films, whereas the particles in the trawl predominantly consisted of expanded cellular plastics (46%). Expanded cellular plastics therefore seem to be sampled more efficiently by trawls, which could be because they float on top of the surface, the pump samples a bit lower in the surface water and the results in this study show that the sample compositions were more comparable for particles with more neutral buoyancy. Not enough particles were however obtained to allow for a more in-depth analysis of the compositional differences.

    The probability of false null-values increase with a lower true value of numbers of particles per sample and this starts to have a significantly negative effect below five particles per sample. Regardless of which method that is used it is therefore crucial to sample a sufficient number of particles (volume times concentration) suitable for comparing spatial, temporal or compositional differences.

    Background and purpose of the report

    Even if methods for sampling, extraction and identification of microplastics have developed rapidly during recent years several challenges remain. One of the challenges that remain is how to sample a group of contaminants that is as heterogeneous, both concerning shape and distribution, as microplastics. Additionally it is important to know to what extent results from different types of sampling devices can be compared. Here we compare two methods that are often used to sample microplastics above 300 μm in surface waters; a manta trawl and a pump. During one day (10th of October 2017) six replicates per sampling method was taken in the same spot in Gullmarsfjorden outside Lysekil. Through counting microplastics and other types of microlitter in the samples the aim was to compare differences between replicates and methods.

    This study was commissioned by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, as a step in the work to develop monitoring of microlitter.

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  • 11.
    Kärrman, Anna
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet.
    Davies, Jenna
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Salihovic, Samira
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet.
    Lignell, Sanna
    Executive, Myndigheter, Livsmedelsverket, SLV.
    Aune, Marie
    Executive, Myndigheter, Livsmedelsverket, SLV.
    PFAAs in matched milk and serum from primipara women2013Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of the study was to assess the association between serum and milk levels of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in humans. Individual milk and serum samples from fifty (50) primipara women in Uppsala, Sweden, were collected in 2004, 2007, 2009, and 2011. PFAAs were analysed in milk and serum using in-house validated methods and quality control protocols. PFOS, PFOA and PFHxS were detected in 98-100% of the milk and serum samples in the concentration order PFOS>PFHxS>PFOA. PFBuS, PFHpA, and PFDA were detected in 12-64% of the milk and serum samples. PFNA and PFUnDA were detected at high frequency but low levels in serum and were consequently less frequently detected in milk. PFOS and PFHxS showed a stronger correlation between serum and milk levels compared to PFOA. The regression slope with 95% confidence interval was calculated to assess the association between serum and milk levels. The level of PFOS in milk is 1.4 ± 0.25% of the corresponding maternal serum level. For PFHxS the interval is 1.4 ± 0.33% and for PFOA 2.6 ± 1.1%. The temporal trends (2004-2011) observed are similar in serum and milk.

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  • 12.
    Kärrman, Anna
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Ericson, Ingrid
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    van Bavel, Bert
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Lindström, Gunilla
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Analysis and Occurrence of Perfluorinated Chemicals in Breast Milk and Serum from Swedish Women, 1996-20052006Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Breast milk samples and blood serum collected from primipara women in Sweden during the period 1996 to 2004 were analyzed with the aim to study levels of perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) and the concentration ratio between milk and blood. A total of five perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) were detected in breast milk, of which perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorohexanesulfonate (PFHxS) were found most frequently. In addition, perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA), perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) were detected. The highest mean concentration in individual milk samples was obtained for PFOS (0.172 ng/mL) followed by PFHxS (0.068 ng/mL) and PFOSA (0.012 ng/mL). The quantification of PFOA was hampered in most of the samples due to a high procedural blank contamination. A total of eight PFCs were detected in the serum samples. Breast milk levels in this study were on average 113 times lower compared to serum levels for PFOS, 57 times lower for PFHxS and 23 times lower for PFOSA. There was a strong association between increasing serum concentration and increasing milk concentration for PFOS and PFHxS. During the period 1996-2004, the levels in pooled breast milk samples were relatively constant with a slightly decreasing trend for the pools collected in years 2003-2004. Analysis of breast milk, consecutive sampled over a period of several days, did not indicate a decrease in levels with progression of lactation.

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  • 13.
    Kärrman, Anna
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Ericson, Ingrid
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    van Bavel, Bert
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Lindström, Gunilla
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    “Mätningar av PFOS i bröstmjölk och blod”2006Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Breast milk samples and blood serum collected from primipara women in Sweden during the

    period 1996 to 2004 were analyzed with the aim to study levels of perfluorinated chemicals

    (PFCs) and the concentration ratio between milk and blood.

    A total of five perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) were detected in breast milk, of which

    perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorohexanesulfonate (PFHxS) were found most

    frequently. In addition, perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA), perfluorononanoic acid

    (PFNA) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) were detected. The highest mean concentration in

    individual milk samples was obtained for PFOS (0.172 ng/mL) followed by PFHxS (0.068

    ng/mL) and PFOSA (0.012 ng/mL). The quantification of PFOA was hampered in most of the

    samples due to a high procedural blank contamination. A total of eight PFCs were detected in

    the serum samples.

    Breast milk levels in this study were on average 113 times lower compared to serum levels for

    PFOS, 57 times lower for PFHxS and 23 times lower for PFOSA. There was a strong

    association between increasing serum concentration and increasing milk concentration for

    PFOS and PFHxS.

    During the period 1996-2004, the levels in pooled breast milk samples were relatively

    constant with a slightly decreasing trend for the pools collected in years 2003-2004.

    Analysis of breast milk, consecutive sampled over a period of several days, did not indicate a

    decrease in levels with progression of lactation.

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  • 14.
    Kärrman, Anna
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Fredriksson, Felicia
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    N.T. Yuen, Calista
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    W.Y. Yeung, Leo
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Screening of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in sediment and water close to paper industries2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is a large group of anthropogenic compounds that is widely used, for example to manufacture grease- and water-repellent paper. Several PFAS have been found to pose a risk to the environment and humans due to their persistency, mobility, toxicity and bioaccumulative potential. Paper production in Sweden covers widely different products such as cardboard, liquid cardboard, writing paper, sack paper, hygiene paper (tissue), etc. In addition, there are also numerous closed paper industries. Current and historical use of PFAS in paper industries in Sweden and consequent emissions to the environment are not known. The purpose of this study was to assess if paper industries could be an important point source for PFAS in the environment by analysis of PFAS in sediment and water taken nearby paper industries. In total, 60 sediment samples from 13 sites in Sweden sampled during the time period 2015-2022, and eight surface water samples from three sites taken in 2021, were included in the study. A total of 68 non-polymer PFAS and extractable organofluorine (EOF) was targeted. The results from the screening study shows a wide range of the sum target PFAS-68, between below limit of detection (LOD) to 1181 ng/g dry weight (d.w.) in sediments close to paper industries in Sweden. The number and type of PFAS detected also varied. The PFAS-classes found in highest concentration in surface sediments were polyfluoroalkyl phosphate diesters (diPAP) (maximum 819 ng/g d.w.), fluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid (FOSAA) (maximum 137 ng/g d.w.), and N-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamido ethyl phosphate diester (diSAmPAP) (maximum 134 ng/g d.w.). DiSAmPAP was only semi-quantified due to poor separation of structural isomers and interferences from the sediment matrix. A general increase in concentrations with increasing sediment depth could be seen for the contaminated sites, and the maximum concentration in sediments of different depths reached 1084 ng/g d.w. for diPAP, 65 ng/g d.w. for FOSAA, and 682 ng/g d.w. for diSAmPAP. The commonly measured classes of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFCA) and perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acids (PFSA) reached a maximum of 6 and 7 ng/g d.w. in surface sediments, and 11 and 6 ng/g d.w. in sediment cores, respectively. The EOF levels followed the same trend as target PFAS concentrations, with a few exceptions, and ranged between <LOD to 1301 ng/g d.w.. Surface water from three sites showed detectable concentrations of PFCA, PFSA och FTSA up to 0.05 ng/mL, but the occurrence could not be connected to the paper industries. Based on the target results of surface sediments, five out of the 13 sites can be classified as low contaminated (sum target PFAS-68 <20 ng/g d.w.) and the remaining eight sites are clearly affected by a PFAS point source.

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  • 15.
    Lindfeldt, Emelie
    et al.
    Executive, Myndigheter, Livsmedelsverket, SLV.
    Yeung, Leo
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Johansson, Lisa
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Bjermo, Helena
    Executive, Myndigheter, Livsmedelsverket, SLV.
    Halldin Ankarberg, Emma
    Executive, Myndigheter, Livsmedelsverket, SLV.
    Gyllenhammar, Irina
    Executive, Myndigheter, Livsmedelsverket, SLV.
    Halter av PFAS i livsmedel på den svenska marknaden och exponeringsuppskattningar av intaget från livsmedel i den svenska befolkningen2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Naturvårdsverket fick 2022 ett uppdrag av regeringen att med stöd av Livsmedelsverket och Statens jordbruksverk förbättra kunskapen om PFAS i livsmedel och miljö. Inom ramen för regeringsuppdraget har en kartläggning av PFAS-halter i livsmedel på den svenska marknaden utförts. I denna rapport redovisas halterna av PFAS i de analyserade livsmedlen, följt av intagsberäkningar och exponeringsuppskattningar i den svenska befolkningen. Prover från Livsmedelsverkets matkorgsstudie analyserades (n=51), där halter påträffades i tre av 17 livsmedelsgrupper; i ägg samt fet och mager fisk. Ytterligare enskilda prover av fisk och skaldjur (n=50), kött (n=31), ägg (n=4), frukt (n=8) och grönsaker (n=14) analyserades. PFAS detekterades i samtliga fiskprover samt i vildsvin, ren, leverpastej och ekologiska ägg. Inga kvantifierbara halter påträffades i frukt- och grönsaksprover, övriga köttprover eller konventionella ägg.

    Bakgrundsexponeringen beräknades baserat på uppmätta halter i livsmedel och konsumtionsdata från tre av Livsmedelsverkets matvaneundersökningar; Riksmaten vuxna 2010-2011, Riksmaten ungdom 2016-2017 och Riksmaten småbarn 2021-2023. Resultaten visar att medianexponeringen ligger under TVI, både när halter från matkorgsgrupperna används samt enskilda fiskhalter. Andelen som hamnar över TVI utifrån bakgrundsexponeringen var 16-24 % för små barn, 2-22 % för ungdomar och 1-14 % för vuxna. I jämförelse med tidigare intagsberäkningar av PFAS-4 från den svenska befolkningen visar denna studie på ett lägre intag. Mindre barn har en högre exponering, vilket är väntat, då barn äter mer i förhållande till sin kroppsvikt än vuxna. Även Efsa konstaterar detta förhållande i sin riskvärdering från 2020, och menar att detta inte behöver innebära en risk då barnen passerat den känsliga perioden (foster och amningsperioden) och halterna i kroppen kommer att sjunka när barnet växer. Ungefär 60 % av exponeringen från mat av summa PFAS utgörs av PFAS-4, vilket visar på behovet av riskvärderingar av fler PFAS.

    Scenarioberäkningar visar att det finns utrymme för större delen av befolkningen för konsumtion av dricksvatten vid det kommande svenska gränsvärdet (4 ng PFAS-4/L) samt fisk enligt Livsmedelsverkets rekommendation, 2,5 ggr/v, utan att TVI överskrids. Ytterligare scenarioberäkningar gjordes för konsumtion av livsmedel med halter vid gränsvärden för PFAS-4 i fisk, skaldjur, ägg, kött, vilt samt vid åtgärdsgränsen för mjölk. Exponeringen beräknades även med den uppmätta medelhalten i ekologiska ägg samt vildsvin. Resultaten visar att det finns utrymme för att 50-100 % av konsumtionen av insjöfisk och ägg har halter vid gränsvärdet, utan att TVI överskrids, sett till medianexponeringen. Konsumtion av mjölk vid åtgärdsgränsen för PFAS-4 innebär inte heller att TVI överskrids om denna konsumtion står för 50-100 % av det totala intaget för mjölk, förutom för 12-åringar och de minsta barnen som överskrider TVI redan vid en konsumtion av 10-20 %. För kött och vilt är däremot utrymmet mindre, då konsumtionen är relativt hög, och enbart en liten andel av det kött som äts kan ha en halt vid gränsvärdet innan TVI överskrids för större delen av befolkningen. Då inga halter av PFAS kunnat kvantifieras i varken matkorgsgrupperna fet och mager mejeri, eller i kött är sannolikt exponeringen från dessa livsmedel låg i den genomsnittliga svenska befolkningen.

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  • 16.
    Nauta, Welmoed
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Kärrman, Anna
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Helmfrid, Ingela
    Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Region Östergötland/Linköping University.
    Stensson, Niclas
    Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Region Östergötland/Linköping University.
    Ljunggren, Stefan
    Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Region Östergötland/Linköping University.
    Karlsson, Helen
    Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Region Östergötland/Linköping University.
    Extractable organofluorine in human plasma2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This study focused on measuring extractable organofluorine (EOF) in 24 blood samples from a cohort of high and low fish consumers. Using mass balance analysis, the fluorine concentration from the targeted PFAS (n=52) measured in the same plasma extract was calculated and compared with the EOF data, revealing a substantial amount of unidentified fluorine in human plasma.

    Findings showed that EOF varied from <10.1-21.9 to 1736 ng/mL F, with average and median EOF concentration in the high fish consumer group of 214 and 25 ng/mL, respectively, and in the low consumer group 26 and 18 ng/mL, respectively. The majority of EOF could not be explained by identified PFAS in both high and low fish consumer groups, suggesting the presence of other organofluorine compounds. Variations in EOF levels and unidentified fraction were seen across gender and fish consumption habits, though no clear trend could be identified. 

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  • 17.
    Rotander, Anna
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Kärrman, Anna
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Microplastics in Södertälje: From Lake Mälaren to the Baltic Sea2019Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]


    Svensk sammanfattning

    Trots att ett ökat antal studier de senaste åren slagit fast att betydande mängder mikroplaster kontinuerligt släpps ut i den marina miljön så finns det en utbredd okunskap vad gäller vilka källor som bidrar mest. Det finns således ett behov av att identifiera och karakterisera punktkällor för utsläpp av mikroplaster.

    Den här studien har genomförts i Södertälje och prover har tagits uppströms Södertälje i Mälaren och nedströms till Östersjön. Området är förutom befolkningen påverkat av olika typer av industrier. Södertäljeviken är väldefinierad och har få tillflöden förutom från avrinning från staden och industriområden. Syftet med studien är att studera källor och spridning av mikroplaster till havet genom att analysera hur Södertäljeområdet påverkar förekomst och typ av mikroplaster i ytvatten och sediment.

    Ytvatten provtogs i nio stycken lokaler i Södertäljeviken, inklusive två tillflöden, vid två tillfällen under hösten 2017. Vid sex av dessa lokaler och vid ett tillfälle togs även sedimentkärnor. Ytvatten provtags med en pump som sorterade in partiklarna i två fraktioner: >300 μm och 50-300 μm. Halterna mikroskräppartiklar (mikroplast, fibrer och övriga antropogena partiklar) var i samtliga ytvattenprover högre i 50-300 μm fraktionen med skillnader som varierade mellan ca en faktor 5 och faktor 160. Halterna mikroplaster >300 μm i ytvatten varierade mellan 0.1 och 1 partiklar/m3. Det relativt låga antalet mikroplaster i kombination med variationer mellan de två tidpunkterna i halter försvårar slutsatserna om punktkällor.

    De vanligaste polymererna visade sig vara polyeten och polypropen baserat på analys med infraröd spektroskopi. Hälften av partiklarna som testades kunde dock inte tillskrivas en polymertyp och hamnade i kategorin "oidentifierad polymer". Ett karakteristiskt format rött fragment återfanns i flera av ytvattenproverna och sedimentproverna och var sannolikt färgflagor efter t.ex. bottenfärg.

    Halterna i ytvatten är jämförbara med studier från Östersjön, Gullmarsfjorden och Nyköpingsåarna (Nyköpingsån, Kilaån, Svärtaån och Trosaån) men lägre jämfört med ytvatten i Göteborg (Mölndalsån, Kvillebäcken, Säveån, Lärjeån och Stora ån).

    Halten mikroplast i ytvatten ökade inte nämnvärt från bakgrundsnivån i referenspunkten i Mälaren till början av Södertäljeviken (Snäckviken) med industrier, båttrafik osv. samt till centrala Södertälje (Maren) där Mälaren möter Östersjön. Nedströms centrum kunde en viss ökning av ytvattenhalten urskiljas i lokalen Igelstaviken med sina större industrier och Södertälje hamn. Halten mikroplast minskade sedan nedströms och ut i Östersjön. Detta överensstämde med sedimentproverna, dock kan man i ytsedimentet se en ökning redan i Snäckviken.

    Resultaten tyder på att det finns punktkällor kopplade till lokalerna Igelstaviken och Torpaviken men deras betydelse för det totala utsläppet av MP från land är inte fastlagd. Både båttrafik, industrier, och värmeverk finns kopplade till lokalerna. Inga kända plasttillverkare finns i områdena och det bör därför utredas hur mycket mikroplast som släpps ut från övrig tillverkningsindustri. Sedimentresultaten visar på gradienter med ökande halt i Södertäljeviken fram till Igelsta och därefter en gradvis minskande halt nedströms. Halten mikroplast i sediment är högre i bakgrundslokalen i Östersjön jämfört med bakgrundslokalen i Mälaren vilket tyder på en påverkan från Södertälje. Fler sedimentprov behöver analyseras för att säkerställa skillnaden då variationen av mikroplast i sediment inte är känd.

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  • 18.
    Thanh, Wang
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Linköpings universitet, LiU. Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Ayan Au, Musse
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Literature survey on the environmental contamination of liquid crystal monomers (LCMs) and a pilot study on their occurrence in sewage sludge from Sweden2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are currently the predominant display technology in the market and utilized in various devices from small calculators to large flat-screen TVs. Liquid crystal monomers (LCMs) are essential components of LCDs and have been produced at a large scale since the 1980s. Concerns have arisen about the potential environmental release of LCMs, with recent studies detecting their presence in indoor dust, sediments, soils and even in humans. The large number of LCMs and their structural diversity poses challenges in chemical analysis. Furthermore, there are discrepancies in acronyms between different studies, which emphasize the need for a standardized nomenclature for reporting LCMs. Experimental data on physical-chemical properties, atmospheric lifetimes, and bioaccumulation potential highlight the potential persistent organic pollutant characteristics of many LCMs. LCMs can be released to the environment during manufacturing, product use, and recycling processes. Environmental monitoring of LCMs is in its early stages, with limited data available. Studies have reported LCM presence in indoor dust, outdoor environments, soil, sediment and biota, primarily from China. Human exposure has been suggested through occupational settings and there have been positive correlations between LCM levels in indoor dust and human breast milk. However, more studies are needed from other countries to assess whether LCMs have widespread global contamination. Within this current report, a pilot study was conducted with the aim to investigate occurrence of selected LCMs in sewage sludge. However, challenges during analytical method development with the sample extraction and pretreatment steps led to low recoveries of native LCMs, indicating the need for further method optimization. A clear conclusion can therefore not be made whether LCMs are present or not in Swedish sludge.

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  • 19.
    Yeung, Leo
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Eriksson, Ulrika
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Kärrman, Anna
    Executive, Universitet, Örebro universitet, Örebro universitet, forskningscentrum människa teknik miljö, MTM.
    Pilotstudie avseende oidentifierade poly- och perfluorerade alkylämnen i slam och avloppsvatten från reningsverk i Sverige2016Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of the this investigation are 1) to measure the amount and proportion of unidentified PFASs had been used in daily life by analyzing total organofluorine (TOF) and quantifiable PFASs in influent samples; and 2) to measure the amount and proportion of unidentified PFASs released into the environment by analyzing TOF and quantifiable PFASs in effluent samples and sludge samples from municipal waste water treatment plants. Sewage (influent and effluent) and sludge were collected in 2015 and 2016 from three wastewater treatment plants (Gässlösa (Borås), Henriksdal (Stockholm) and Öhn (Umeå)). Levels of TOF and PFAS in sludge from 2016 and filtered effluent and influent samples from 2015 and 2016 are reported. Different classes of PFASs including PFCAs, PFSAs, FTSAs, FTCAs, diPAPs, FTUCAs, FOSAs, FOSAAs, PFPAs and PFPiAs were detected in sewage and sludge samples. For influent and effluent samples, all detectable neutral and/or cationic PFASs remained unidentified; for the anionic fraction, 79-94% of the TOF were unidentified. For sludge samples, a significant proportion (42-82%) of total anionic organofluorine remained unidentified

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