2 Summary
This report represents the final report on the Government assignment.
2.1 The Komet Programme
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Swedish Forest Agency and Skåne County Administrative Board have been commissioned by the Government to conduct activity regarding complementary methods for the protection of nature in five major geographical areas. This task is intended to contribute to increasing the use of nature conservation agreements, and the interest of landowners in contributing to nature conservation was to be tapped. The task has been carried out as a project with a national project working group, a steering group and a reference group, as well as in close collaboration with regional authorities and stakeholder organisations. The activity was initiated in May 2010 in five areas, known as Komet areas.
The project briefly entailed ascertaining the level of interest among landowners in formal protection of forests by providing wide-ranging information. The regional authorities did not undertake any outreach activity in the Komet areas. Instead, work on protection was based on the landowners' expressions of interest. Cases commenced previously, as well as acute threats to sites of special forest biology interest were, however, dealt with by the authorities in the usual way in the five Komet areas. The strategic approach according to the National Strategy for the Formal Protection of Forests was therefore not implemented in full.
2.2 Results
2.2.1 Fulfilment of the environmental objective Sustainable Forests
A total of 292 sites containing a total area of 1 130 hectares of productive forest land were protected under the Komet programme up to 31 March 2014: 138 habitat protection areas, 123 nature conservation agreements and 31 agreements on the establishment of nature reserves. The average area of the protected sites within the Komet areas was smaller than outside. The protective value as indicated by sorting into value groups is somewhat lower in the protected areas within the Komet Programme than outside.
2.2.2 Use of nature conservation agreements
The use of nature conservation agreements has increased in the Komet areas, as compared to the rest of the country, but the average acreage protected by nature conservation agreements was smaller in the Komet areas than in the rest of the country.
2.2.3 Tapping of the interest of landowners in nature conservation
A total of 802 expression of interest were received during the programme period. This means that around two per cent of landowners in the Comet areas submitted expressions of interest. Around 83% of the assessed expressions of interest related to some extent to a site of special forest biology interest. A third of these in turn were areas not previously registered as woodland key habitats or objects of conservation value. The wishes of landowners regarding form of protection in the programme were largely met. To the extent that the Komet programme was known about, the project gained a positive reputation in many respects with regard to collaboration between landowners and authorities. Several of the reference group's organisations reported that the Komet programme as a way of working was well received by landowners in the Komet areas, as well as by their representatives.
2.2.4 Costs
The aggregate costs of the Komet programme in 2010-2014 were just over SEK 30 million in administrative costs and just over SEK 77 million in compensation paid to landowners. This is equivalent to an administrative cost of around SEK 27 000 per hectare and average compensation to landowners of just over SEK 68 000 per hectare.
2.3 Conclusions
Overall it can be noted that the Komet programme has developed favourably in several respects during the programme period. Target fulfilment regarding the acreage of protected forest improved, use of nature conservation greements increased, collaboration at various levels was enhanced and administrative costs decreased. At the same time, the contribution of the Komet programme to fulfilment of the objective remains low compared with outside, and the quality of the nature conservation agreements in terms of both acreage and protective value was lower than outside. Collaboration and information within the Komet programme could have been developed significantly more, particularly as three out of every four landowners were still unaware of the programme when it came to an end. The administrative costs of the Komet programme were high compared to ordinary work on formal protection of forests in the rest of the country.
Activity under the Komet programme was in progress for four years, and a great deal needs to undergo further development before this complementary method can make a substantial contribution to fulfilling the objective, increased use of nature conservation agreements and at reasonable cost. At the same time, the Komet programme has contributed to very positive effects such as improved cooperation between between authorities and between authorities and the landowners' organisations. Active involvement of forestry stakeholders with information efforts has proved essential for continued successful activity and at reasonable cost to the authorities. Forestry stakeholders have also shown a strong commitment to the Komet programme. It has also been found that the interest of individual landowners in nature conservation has been stimulated and previously unregistered natural assets have been captured. This is experience that should be exploited in continued work on formal protection of forests.
2.4 Continued work on formal protection of forests
We propose that a complementary working method for formal protection of forests with easier opportunities for landowner initiatives should be introduced nationwide from 2015. This working method would be applied alongside other tools in conservation efforts which involve work on site protection based on initiatives from the authorities, which is entirely in line with the expectations expressed by the Government.
We note at the same time that in the spring budget the Government has not given notice of any boost to the appropriations. Introduction of this way of working and the structure of the work with formal protection of forests will therefore have to be adapted firstly to the resources affected agencies have at their disposal and secondly to the degree to which representatives of forest owners can become involved. We therefore consider that the appropriations should be strengthened, firstly in view of the above and secondly in view of the fact that there is now a long "queue" of property owners throughout the country for whom agreements on compensation are ready in practice but where there is a lack of funds to conclude final agreements.
An estimate, based on the Komet programme, of costs of introducing the working method during the first three years is presented. A total sum of SEK 116 million is estimated for the period 2015-2017. After initial start-up costs in 2015, the additional administrative cost of this working method is put at just over SEK 30 million per year.
The consequences of introduction within the framework of existing resources are discussed in the report. Both agency appropriations and appropriations for compensation of landowners are already judged to be inadequate today, both in relation to the high level of interest among landowners in formal protection of forests and to fulfilling the objective of Sustainable Forests. The introduction of the working method with the additional costs it entails is thus considered to mean that the "queue" of landowners waiting for compensation will continue to grow.
The main features of the positions we presented to the Government in February 2014 are outlined in section 7. A further three months of activity in the Komet programme, from 1 January 2014 to 31 March 2014, have further confirmed the basis for the positions presented at that time.
The instructions for continued work on introducing the complementary way of working throughout the country are not discussed in detail in this final report. This is an issue that merits further consideration so that the experience gained in the Komet programme can be put to use, among other things in consideration of prevailing financial circumstances. It is intended that the instructions will be drawn up by the authorities during the autumn of 2014, in dialogue with the county administrative boards, representatives of forestry and environmental organisations.