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  • 1.
    Assefa, Anteneh
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU.
    Tysklind, Mats
    Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU.
    Josefsson, Sarah
    Executive, Myndigheter, Sveriges geologiska undersökning, SGU.
    Bignert, Anders
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Wiberg, Karin
    Executive, Universitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
    Sources of dioxins in Baltic Sea herring: A modelling study for identification of dioxin sources and quantification of their temporal and spatial impacts2018Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This study presents a step-by-step statistical analysis for tracing dioxins sources that have contributed to levels in Baltic herring during the last decades. The study is based on the concentrations of the 17 toxic (2,3,7,8-substituted) dioxin congeners in herring and sediment from the Baltic Sea, and it evaluates how the impacts of the sources may have changed during the studied periods, i.e. 1990–2009 in the Bothnian Bay, 1979–2009 in the Bothnian Sea and 1988–2009 in the Baltic Proper. The modelling technique used (PMF) extracted three dioxin patterns in herring that could be used to obtain source patterns after applying transformation factors. The transformed patterns were compared to real dioxin source patterns available through previous measurement and modelling studies. The identified sources included tetrachlorophenol (TCP), pentachlorophenol/atmospheric background (PCP/AB) and emissions from thermal activities.

    The results indicate that the thermal source type has been the major contributor of dioxins to Baltic herring during the pre-and post-2000 periods (72% and 59%, respectively). Its impact appears, however, to have declined by 19% in the Bothnian Bay, by 67% in the Bothnian Sea, and by 48% in the Baltic Proper (TEQ-basis). On the other hand, the relative importance of TCP and PCP/AB appear to have increased over time, from 1.4% and 1.5% to 19% and 6.6% in the Bothnian Bay, from 3.3% and 7.2% to 12% and 10% in the Bothnian Sea, and from 8.9% and <1% to 33% and 13% in the Baltic Proper. Comparisons using absolute values (pg TEQ g-1 lipid weight) indicate an increase of the TCP source by five times in the Bothnian Bay from the pre-2000 to the post-2000 period, a slight increase in the Bothnian Sea, and more than a doubling of the levels in the Baltic Proper. The agreement between the trends in the three sub-basins is a good indication for an increased impact of the TCP source during recent years (post-2000). Corresponding analysis for the PCP/AB source type, indicate slightly decreased TEQ levels from the PCP/AB source type in the Bothnian Sea (by ~50%), more than twice as high in the Bothnian Bay, and more than triplicated in the Baltic Proper. While the declining trends of the thermal source type encourages continuing management efforts for air emissions, the apparent increase of TCP and PCP/AB call for more attention to such sources in the Baltic Sea. As the use of technical products containing TCP and PCP have been banned/restricted since the 1970s and 1980s, more focus on contaminated sites may be required in the mitigation actions of such sources.

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  • 2.
    Bergengren, Jakob
    et al.
    Executive, Länstyrelserna, länsstyrelsen, lst, Länsstyrelsen i Jönköpings län.
    von Proschwitz, Ted
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Lundberg, Stefan
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Abstract [sv]


    Mål med stormusselprojektet

    Huvudmålet med detta projekt är att ta fram förslag

    på lämpliga undersökningstyper för övervakning

    av målarmusslor och dammusslor. Ett delmål

    är att utröna i vilka sötvattensmiljöer de tre arterna

    av dammusslor respektive de tre arterna av

    målarmusslor förekommer. Arbetet har också gett

    mycket värdefull kunskap om stormusslornas förekomst

    och status i de undersökta länen.

    Undersökta arter

    Undersökningarna har koncentrerats till lokaler

    med de nationellt rödlistade arterna tjockskalig


    Unio crassus [starkt hotad (EN),

    även upptagen i Natura 2000

    ] samt flat dammmussla

    Pseudanodonta complanata



    ]. Flodpärlmusslan [sårbar (VU), samt Natura

    2000 art

    ] är idag den mest kända av de totalt

    åtta i Sverige förekommande större arterna av

    sötvattensmusslor. Flodpärlmusslan är nationellt

    sett väl undersökt och ägnades därför mindre intresse

    i detta arbete. De övriga sju omfattar:


    (målarmusslor, tre arter),


    (dammusslor, tre arter) och

    Dreissena polymorpha

    (vandrarmussla). De arter som undersökts

    listas i Tabell 1 nedan.

    Tabell 1. Undersökta arter i stormusselprojektet.

    Vetenskapligt namn Svenskt namn

    Margaritifera margaritifera


    Unio pictorum

    Allmän målarmussla

    Unio tumidus

    Spetsig målarmussla

    Unio crassus

    Tjockskalig målarmussla

    Anodonta anatina

    Allmän dammussla

    Anodonta cygnea

    Stor dammussla

    Pseudanodonta complanata

    Flat dammussla

    Undersökningarnas omfattning

    Undersökningarna har genomförts i fem län (Södermanland,

    Östergötland, Kalmar, Jönköping

    och Skåne). Totalt har 56 lokaler i vattendrag

    samt 32 lokaler i sjöar undersökts. Fältarbetet har

    utförts av Jakob Bergengren med assistans av personal

    från länsstyrelserna i de berörda länen. Planeringen

    av arbetet och analysen av materialet har

    utförts i samarbete med Stefan Lundberg från

    Naturhistoriska riksmuseet i Stockholm och Ted

    von Proschwitz vid Naturhistoriska museet i Göteborg.

    Utveckling av metodik och

    framtagande av ny


    Vid metodutvecklingen har undersökningar av lokaler

    med tjockskalig målarmussla (

    U. crassus)

    och flat dammussla (

    P. complanata) prioriterats,

    men även lokaler med de andra musselarterna har

    undersökts. Nedan beskrivs föreslagna undersökningsmetoder

    i sjöar respektive vattendrag.

    Metodik i sjöar

    Att undersöka ett musselbestånd i en sjö är svårare

    än att arbeta på en avgränsad sträcka i ett vattendrag.

    Att skaffa sig en total uppfattning om ett

    musselbestånd, inte sällan med förekomst av flera

    arter, i en sjö är arbetsmässigt tidskrävande. Den

    ofta skiftande karaktären när det gäller bottensubstrat,

    bottenvegetation och djupförhållanden gör

    det omöjligt att undersöka en hel sjö.

    Följande metoder föreslås att användas i sjöar:


    Undersökning med vattenkikare i sjöars

    in- och utlopp.

    Dessa är lätta att avgränsa

    och undersöks och övervakas i ett första skede

    då de ofta hyser flest arter. Kvalitativ och

    kvantitativ övervakning.


    Linjetaxering används om förhållandena

    medger (siktdjup, bottenförhållanden mm).

    Denna metod medger övervakning av en avgränsad,

    subjektivt vald, sträcka. Kvalitativ

    och kvantitativ övervakning. Särskilda ansträngningar

    skall alltid göras för att finna



    t o r m u s s e l p r o j e k t e t 2 0 0 1 , D e l 1


    venila musslor, då dessa indikerar att populationen

    reproducerar sig.


    Luttnerräfsa används om förhållandena är

    så svåra att ingen av ovanstående metoder

    fungerar. Inventering med Luttnerräfsa ger

    enbart en kvalitativ uppfattning om musselfaunan.

    Metodik i vattendrag

    Att undersöka ett musselbestånd i ett vattendrag

    är ofta, men inte alltid, lättare än undersökningar i

    en sjö. Följande metoder föreslås att användas vid

    undersökningar av stormusslor i vattendrag:


    Undersökning med vattenkikare. Om vattendraget

    är relativt grunt, vadbart och siktförhållandena

    goda, är det ofta möjligt att använda

    en något modifierad variant av den befintliga

    metodiken för undersökning av flodpärlmussla.

    De förekommande arterna räknas

    separat för att en populationsuppskattning för

    respektive art ska kunna göras. Vid användande

    av flodpärlmusselmetodiken skall 15

    lokaler avgränsas och noggrant undersökas.

    Särskilda ansträngningar skall alltid göras för

    att finna juvenila musslor, då dessa indikerar

    att populationen reproducerar sig.


    Fridykning. Om vattendraget innehåller

    sträckor som är svåra att undersöka (stort

    vattendjup, dåliga siktförhållanden, höga

    strandbrinkar etc.), är undersökning med

    vattenkikare inte möjligt. I dessa fall rekommenderas

    fridykning. Denna metod är kvalitativ

    och semikvantitativ. En fördel med fridykning

    är att sökandet efter juvenila musslor

    blir effektivare.


    Luttnerräfsa. Används då förhållandena är

    sådana att ingen av de båda ovanstående

    metoderna kan användas (obefintligt siktdjup,

    låg vattentemperatur). Metoden ger enbart en

    kvalitativ bild av musselfaunan.

    Stormusslornas habitatval

    I Stormusselprojektet har musslornas val av habitat

    undersökts genom att typ av bottensubstrat

    samt vattendjup noterats för varje lokal under inventeringen.

    Undersökningarna har utförts på en

    avgränsad sträcka (en lokal) i ett vattendrag eller

    inom ett bestämt område (en lokal) i en sjö.

    Bottensubstrat – Vattendrag

    Stormusslornas val av bottensubstrat i vattendragen

    kan sammanfattas i följande punkter:


    Mjäla/ler dominerar som det mest prefererade

    substratet för samtliga arter.


    De subdominerande substraten består till stor

    del av grövre material huvudsakligen grus.


    Det substrat som uppvisar högst frekvens på

    lokalerna är grus/fin sten/grov sten. Detta är

    logiskt då dessa fraktioner är de mest förekommande

    i vattendrag överlag.

    Bottensubstrat – Sjöar

    Arternas val av bottensubstrat i sjöar kan sammanfattas

    i följande punkter


    Mjäla/ler dominerar, liksom i vattendragen,

    som det mest prefererade substratet. Detta

    gäller samtliga arter utom den allmänna

    dammusslan (

    A. anatina). Denna tycks föredra

    sand som bottensubstrat.


    De subdominerande substraten består till

    största delen av fraktioner med sand och fin



    Det bottensubstrat som uppvisar högst frekvens

    på lokalerna är findetritus. Detta är logiskt

    eftersom findetritus är det dominerande

    substratet i sjöar med kraftig sedimentation.

    Djupintervall – Vattendrag

    Arternas förekomst i olika djupintervall i undersökta

    vattendrag kan sammanfatts i följande



    Medeldjupet som arterna återfanns på varierade

    i liten utsträckning, både mellan de olika

    arterna samt mellan de olika vattendragen.


    Den tjockskaliga målarmusslan (U. crassus)

    finns på de grundare (strömmande) partierna i

    de undersökta vattendragen. Medeldjupet för

    arten var 0,55 m.


    Den stora dammusslan (A. cygnea) finns oftare

    på djupare (lugnflytande) partier och förekommer

    på ett medeldjup av 0,75 m.


    Övriga arter har förekomster i djupintervallet

    0,55 - 0,75 m.

    Anmärkning: i vattendragen undersöktes stormusslornas

    utbredning ner till ca 3 meters djup.

    Djupintervall – Sjöar

    Arternas förekomst i olika djupintervall i undersökta

    sjöar kan sammanfatts i följande punkter



    Medeldjupet som arterna återfanns på varierade

    i större utsträckning i sjöarna än i vattendragen.


    De två arter av målarmusslor (U. pictorum


    U. tumidus) som förekom i sjöarna fanns

    S t o r m u s s e l p r o j e k t e t 2 0 0 1 , D e l 1


    på större djup än de tre undersökta dammusselarterna.


    Den allmänna målarmusslan (U. pictorum)

    förekom på störst djup (medeldjup 1,5 m)

    medan den stora dammusslan (

    A. cygnea)

    fanns på ett medeldjup som enbart var 0,55

    m. Här bör dock beaktas att endast sex respektive

    åtta lokaler ligger till grund för detta


    Anmärkning: i sjöarna undersöktes stormusslornas

    utbredning ner till ca 4 meters djup.

    Stormusslornas utbredning och

    förekomst skiftar

    Stormusselfynd – totalt sett

    Den allmänna dammusslan (

    A. anatina) visade sig

    vara den vanligaste arten och hittades på flest lokaler

    (Tabell 2). Flodpärlmusslan (

    M. margaritifera),

    som ej var prioriterad i detta projekt då den

    tidigare varit föremål för många undersökningar,

    hittades endast på fem lokaler (Tabell 2).

    Tabell 2. Stormussellokaler i respektive län (D = Södermanland, E = Östergötland, , H = Kalmar, F = Jönköping, M = Skåne).

    Fynd Län

    Vetenskapligt namn Svenskt namn Samtliga fyndlokaler D E H F M

    M. margaritifera

    Flodpärlmussla 5 0 1 0 1 3

    U. pictorum

    Allmän målarmussla 13 2 3 2 0 6

    U. tumidus

    Spetsig målarmussla 40 6 12 9 4 9

    U. crassus

    Tjockskalig målarmussla 24 6 3 5 1 9

    A. anatina

    Allmän dammussla 52 3 11 9 16 13

    A. cygnea

    Stor dammussla 21 2 5 4 6 4

    P. complanata

    Flat dammussla 10 4 3 1 0 2

    Totalt antal undersökta lokaler:

    88 9 15 16 25 23

    Sjö eller vattendrag?

    Det är svårt att jämföra antalet fynd från de olika

    länen med varandra då antalet undersökta sjöar

    och vattendrag varierar både inom och mellan länen.

    Vid undersökningen kunde de olika arternas

    förekomst i sjöarna och vattendragen visas generellt.

    Utifrån hela inventeringsunderlaget kan följande

    slutsatser dras (Tabell 3):


    Tjockskalig målarmussla (U. crassus) (och

    flodpärlmussla) påträffades enbart i vattendrag.


    Stor dammussla (A. cygnea) förekommer

    främst i sjöar. Arten påträffades enbart i 8



    Flat dammussla (P. complanata) förekommer

    främst i vattendrag. Den påträffades endast i

    2 sjöar.


    Spetsig målarmussla (U. tumidus), allmän

    målarmussla (

    U. pictorum) och allmän dammussla


    A. anatina) förekommer lika ofta i

    sjöar som i vattendrag.

    Tabell 3. Förekomst av arterna i sjöar och vattendrag i hela materialet i absolut och relativ (

    %) frekvens.

    Sjö eller Vattendrag (antal) Antal %

    Vetenskapligt namn Svenskt namn Lokaler Sjöar Vattendrag Sjöar Vattendrag

    M. margaritifera

    Flodpärlmussla 5 0 5 0 100

    U. pictorum

    Allmän målarmussla 13 6 7 46 54

    U. tumidus

    Spetsig målarmussla 40 21 19 52 48

    U. crassus

    Tjockskalig målarmussla 24 0 24 0 100

    A. anatina

    Allmän dammussla 52 24 28 46 54

    A. cygnea

    Stor dammussla 21 13 8 62 38

    P. complanata

    Flat dammussla 10 2 8 20 80

    S t o r m u s s e l p r o j e k t e t 2 0 0 1 , D e l 1


    Studerar man materialet länsvis visar sig följande

    intressanta resultat:


    Den spetsiga målarmusslan (U. tumidus) dominerade

    i sjöarna i Skåne och Östergötlands



    Den allmänna målarmusslan (U. pictorum)

    förekom främst i vattendrag i Södermanlands

    län men även i sjöar i Skåne län.


    Den tjockskaliga målarmusslan (U. crassus)

    förekom enbart i vattendrag. De flesta förekomsterna

    konstaterades i Skåne och Södermanland.


    Den allmänna dammusslan (A. anatina) förekom

    i alla typer av undersökta vattenmiljöer

    men i Jönköpings län dominerade förekomster

    i sjöar.


    Den stora dammusslan (A. cygnea) förekom i

    både sjöar och vattendrag. I Kalmar län dominerade

    den dock i vattendragen.


    Den flata dammusslan (P. complanta) påträffades

    framför allt i vattendrag. De flesta förekomsterna

    konstaterades i Södermanlands

    län. I Jönköpings län hittades inga exemplar

    av arten över huvudtaget.

    Mycket värdefull kunskap inför


    En mycket värdefull del i projektet är den kunskap

    som samlats in om stormusselarterna. Kunskapen

    om arternas utbredning och habitatval har

    ökat väsentligt. I stort sett allt undersökningsmaterial

    är nytt. Den inhämtade kunskapen om arterna

    och en ny operativ övervakningsmetod kommer

    i framtiden att vara viktig t.ex. vid rapportering

    till EU gällande bevarandestatus för den

    tjockskaliga målarmusslan. De nya kunskaperna

    bör även leda till att naturvårdsåtgärder kan utformas

    effektivare i arternas habitat.

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  • 3.
    Bergman, Åke
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för material- och miljökemi.
    Fång, Johan
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för material- och miljökemi.
    Bignert, Anders
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Uppdaterande och nya tidstrendsanalyser av halogenerade persistentaämnen i svensk bröstmjölk: PCDDs, PCDFs och DL-PCBs: Rapport till Naturvårdsverket – 2013-03-302013Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Polyklorerade dibenso-p-dioxiner (PCDDs), dibensofuraner (PCDFs) och dioxinliknande

    polylorerade bifenyler (DL-PCBs) har analyserats i mjölk från Stockholmsmödrar under tiden

    1972 till 2011. Halterna redovisas som toxiska ekvivalenter och resultaten visar på en

    kontinuerlig årlig nedgång med 6-7%. Halterna är nu ungefär 1/10 av halterna 1972.

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  • 4.
    Bergman, Åke
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för material- och miljökemi.
    Hovander, Lotta
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för material- och miljökemi.
    Sundström, Maria
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för material- och miljökemi.
    Athanassiadis, Ioannis
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för material- och miljökemi.
    Athanasiadou, Maria
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för material- och miljökemi.
    Sällsten, Gerd
    Executive, Universitet, Göteborgs universitet, Göteborgs universitet, arbets- och miljömedicin.
    Bignert, Anders
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Insamling och kemisk analys av miljöföroreningar i svensk modersmjölk - Resultat från 2008-2010: Rapport till Naturvårdsverket – 2010-11-24 2010Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Projekten, såsom det först formulerades, avsåg insamling av mjölkprover från mödrar boende i Stockholm, Göteborg, Lund respektive Umeå. Redan första året visade det sig svårt att få in prover från samtliga platser varför provinsamlingen 2008 -2010 koncentrerades till Göteborg och Stockholm. Prover från dessa städer har levererats till Naturhistoriska riksmuseet för dokumentering, preparering och lagring. Såväl individuella prover som poolade sådana har analyserats med avsikt att särskilt studera prover från Göteborg på individuell basis. Proverna för 2008 inkluderade 10 individuella prover och fyra homogenat och för prover från 2009/2010, 19 individuella prover samt två homogenat. De kemiska ämnen som analyserades tillhör följande klasser av miljöföroreningar: organiska klorpesticider, polyklorerade bifenyler (PCB) samt polybromerade difenyletrar (PBDE). Antalet enskilda analyter har i första hand avgjorts av ämnenas förekomst i proverna, men de som rapporteras är ett drygt 20-tal ämnen (se nedan).

    Den i särklass viktigaste miljöföroreningen bland de som här studeras är 4,4’-DDE. Den förekommer i halter mellan 20 och 130 ng/g fett, 2008-2010 i Göteborg medan halten i homogenat från 2007 låg på ca. 185 ng/g fett. I Stockholmsmödrarnas mjölk från 2008 låg halten på 70-80 ng/g fett men 2009/2010 var halten uppe i ca. 150 ng/g fett. De senare värdena ligger i paritet med observerade halter 2003, 2004 och 2007. Variationen är sådan att det inte ter sig finnas någon trend i haltutvecklingen mellan åren. Inte heller någon geografisk trend tycks förekomma, men fördjupade analyser av dessa data krävs för att säkerställa de statistiska observationerna. Övriga klororganiska bekämpningsmedel, inkl. hexaklorbensen (HCB) förekommer i halter som är <10% av 4,4’-DDE. De dominerande PCB-kongenerna är CB-138, -153 och -180 men dessa förekommer i halter som är lägre än 50% av det som 4,4’-DDE förekommer i. Flertalet PCB-kongener förekommer i sub-10 ng/g fett-halter i modersmjölken oavsett ursprungsstad (Göteborg eller Stockholm).

    ΣPCB-halten ligger i nivå med koncentrationen av 4,4’-DDE. Koncentrationerna av polybromerade difenyletrar (PBDE) är låga. De enskilda PBDE-kongenerna har mestadels halter på under 1 ng/g fett. BDE-209 förekommer mycket sällan i kvantifierbar halt i modersmjölken. Av lägre bromerade difenyletrar dominerar fortfarande BDE-47.

    Utanför kontraktet tillförs här också data för halter och trender av polyfluorerade kemikalier i modersmjölk från Stockholm 1972 till 2008. De ämnen som analyserats i modersmjölken är perfluorooktansulfonat (PFOS), perfluorohexansulfonat (PFHS) samt perfluorooktansyra (PFOA). Resultaten redovisar entydigt ämnenas uppåtgående trend fram till omkring 2000 varefter koncentrationerna faller.

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  • 5.
    Bergman, Åke
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Yuan, Bo
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Bignert, Anders
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Andersson, Patrik
    Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU.
    West, Christina
    Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU.
    Domellöf, Magnus
    Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU.
    Analys av klorparaffiner i bröstmjölk och serum2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Chlorinated paraffins (CP) constitute a large group of polychlorinated alkanes of different carbon chain lengths and different degrees of chlorination; short chain C10 - C13, SCCP), medium (C14 - C17, MCCP) and long carbon chain (≥C18, LCCP). CP is produced in very large volumes for use as additives (such as plasticisers and flame retardants) in products, materials and goods. They are global environmental pollutants that occur in abiotic environments, animals and humans. The hypothesis for the present study is that CP shows a different degree of accumulation in blood (serum or plasma) compared to breast milk. Therefore, paired samples from 25 women who donated blood and breast milk were analysed for all the CP classes in these matrices and the levels were compared with the concentrations of a PCB marker, CB-153, and with 4,4'-DDE. The results show significant differences, on fat weight basis, of SCCP and MCCP in serum with 22- and 6.2-times higher concentrations than those measured in breast milk. Data also showed elevated levels of both vSCCPs (very short CPs) and LCCPs in serum compared to breast milk, but the difference in these two cases is not significantly different. The median levels of SCCP, MCCP and LCCP in serum and breast milk respectively are: 790, 520 and 16 ng/g fat and 36, 63 and 6,0 ng/g fat, respectively. 4,4'-DDE and CB-153 are comparable in the two matrices are at 17 and 12 ng/g fat, respectively. SCCP is classified as a POP in the Stockholm Convention but not MCCP despite high levels in serum. CP is, regardless of carbon chain length, persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances that must be regulated to ensure the health of children and adults.

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  • 6.
    Bignert, Anders
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM. Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM. Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU.
    Sundqvist, Kristina
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM. Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU.
    Wiberg, Karin
    Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU. Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Geografisk variation i koncentrationer av dioxiner och PCB i strömming från Bottniska viken och norra egentliga Östersjön2005Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Under år 2004 insamlades och analyserades strömming från ett 30- tal lokaler, framför allt ifrån Bottenhavet men också från Bottenhavet och norra egentliga Östersjön.

    Huvudsyftet var att studera tillståndet med hänsyn till rådande gränsvärde (4 pg TCDD- ekvivaltenter/g färskvikt) samt att utröna huruvida det förekommer geografiska skillnader inom studieområdet

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  • 7.
    Bignert, Anders
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Some consequences using pooled samples versus individual samples and pooled samples with various relation between sampling error and uncertainty due to chemical analysis2008Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Choosing an appropriate sampling strategy for environmental monitoring or storingsamples in Environmental Specimen Banks for future analyses includes the importantdecision of using individual or pooled samples. A number of advantages usingindividual samples for temporal trend studies can be identified e.g. that informationabout sample variance is important in it self and changes in variance is often the firstsign of a change in contaminant burden, freedom of choosing an appropriate centralmeasure (for right skewed distributions i.e. geometric mean values or medians)whereas pooled samples will represent arithmetic means. Furthermore, individualsampling enables adjustments for confounding factors (e.g. fat content, age, size) anddetection of extreme values. However, resources may be saved by using pooledsamples, if the sample variance is dominated by small-scale differences in time orspace or by genetic and/or physiological differences among individual biologicalsamples rather than of instrumental errors at the chemical analyses. The statisticalpower at temporal or spatial studies is determined by the random/unexplained samplevariation. The relation between the instrumental error and other sources of variation aswell as the relation between the cost for chemical analysis and collection andpreparation of samples will determine the number of individual samples in each pooland the number of pools that should be analysed to achieve high cost efficiency.Various scenarios of different number of individual samples, different number ofpooled samples containing various number of individual specimens, different relationbetween instrumental error and other sources of sample variance have been comparedby simulating random sampling from computer generated populations using realisticmeasures of variation from ongoing monitoring activities. The results may giveguidance to the selection of a cost efficient sampling strategy

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  • 8.
    Bignert, Anders
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM. Executive, Länstyrelserna, länsstyrelsen, lst, Länsstyrelsen i Kronobergs län.
    Statistisk utvärdering av miljöövervakningsmetoder för kryptogamer i bokskog2011Report (Other academic)
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  • 9.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Asplund, Lillemor
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för tillämpad miljövetenskap, ITM.
    Wilander, Anders
    Executive, Universitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, vatten och miljö.
    Comments Concerning the National Swedish Contaminant Monitoring Programme in Marine Biota, 20042004Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This report gives a summary of the monitoring activities within the national Swedishcontaminant programme in marine biota. It is the result from the joint efforts of: theInstitute of Applied Environmental Research at Stockholm University (analyses oforganochlorines), the Centre for Environmental Monitoring at the University of Agriculture(analyses of heavy metals) and the Contaminant Research Group at the Swedish Museumof Natural History (co-ordination, sample collection administration, sample preparation,recording of biological variables, minor additional analyses of organochlorines, storage offrozen biological tissues in the Environmental Specimen Bank for retrospective studies,data preparation and statistical evaluation). The monitoring programme is financiated bythe Environmental Protection Agency in Sweden.The data of concern in this report represent the bioavailable part of the investigatedcontaminants i.e. the part that has virtually passed through the biological membranes andmay cause biological effects. The objectives of the monitoring program in marine biotacould be summarised as follows:• to estimate the levels and the normal variation of various contaminants in marine biotafrom several representative sites, uninfluenced by local sources, along the Swedish coasts.The goal is to describe the general contaminant status and to serve as reference values forregional and local monitoring programmes• to monitor long term time trends and to estimate the rate of found changes.quantified objective: to detect an annual change of 10% within a time period of 10 years with a power of 80%at a significance level of 5%.• to estimate the response in marine biota of measures taken to reduce the discharges ofvarious contaminantsquantified objective: to detect a 50% decrease within a time period of 10 years with a power of 80% at asignificance level of 5%.• to detect incidents of regional influence or widespread incidents of ‘Chernobyl’-character and to act as watchdog monitoring to detect renewed usage of bannedcontaminants.quantified objective: to detect an increase of 200% a single year with a power of 80% at a significance levelof 5%.• to indicate large scale spatial differencesquantified objective: to detect differences of a factor 2 between sites with a power of 80% at a significancelevel of 5%.• to explore the development and regional differences of the composition and pattern ofe.g. PCB’s, HCH’s and DDT’s as well as the ratios between various contaminants.• the time series are also relevant for human consumption since important commercial fishspecies like herring and cod are sampled. A co-operation with the Swedish FoodAdministration is established. Sampling is also co-ordinated with SSI (Swedish RadiationProtection Authority) for analysing radionuclides in fish and blue mussels (HELCOM,1992).• all analysed, and a large number of additional specimens, of the annually systematicallycollected material are stored frozen in the Environmental Specimen Bank.. This invaluable4material enables future retrospective studies of contaminants impossible to analyse today aswell as control analyses of suspected analytical errors.• although the programme is focused on contaminant concentration in biota, also thedevelopment of biological variables like e.g. condition factor, liver somatic index (LSI) andfat content are monitored at all sites. At some few sites, integrated monitoring with fishphysiology and population are running in co-operation with the Swedish Fishery Board.• experiences from the national program with several time series of over 20 years can beused in the design of regional and local monitoring programmes.• the perfectly unique material of high quality, long time series is further used to explorerelationships among biological variables and contaminants concentrations in varioustissues; the effects of changes in sampling strategy, the estimates of variance componentsand the influence on the concept of power etc.• the accessibility of high quality data collected and analysed in a consistent manner is anindispensable prerequisite to evaluate the validity of hypothesis and models concerning thefate and distribution of various contaminants. It could furthermore be used as input of ‘real’data in the ongoing model building activities concerning marine ecosystems in general andin the Baltic and North Sea environment in particular.• the contaminant programme in marine biota constitute an integrated part of the nationalmonitoring activities in the marine environment as well as of the international programmeswithin ICES, OSPARCOM and HELCOM.The present report displays the timeseries of analysed contaminants in biota andsummarises the results from the statistical treatment. It does not in general give thebackground or explanations to significant changes found in the timeseries. Increasingconcentrations thus, urge for intensified studies.Short comments are given for temporal trends as well as for spatial variation and, for somecontaminants, differences in geometric mean concentration between various species caughtat the same site. Sometimes notes of seasonal variation and differences in concentrationbetween tissues in the same species are given. This information could say something aboutthe relative appropriateness of the sampled matrix and be of help in designing monitoringprogrammes. In the temporal trend part, an extract of the relevant findings is summarised inthe 'conclusion'-paragraph. It should be stressed though, that geographical differences maynot reflect antropogenic influence but may be due to factors like productivity, temperature,salinity etc.The report is continuously updated. The date of the latest update is reported at thebeginning of each chapter. The creation date of each figure is written in the lower leftcorner.

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  • 10.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Asplund, Lillemor
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Wilander, Anders
    Executive, Universitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
    Miljögifter och metaller i biologiskt material från marin miljö2004Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    A short summary of the results up to year 2002/03 is given below. Graphical presentations,

    tables and details are given in the following chapters. A summary of the estimated

    concentrations up to 2002/03 is given in table 23.3.

    The condition of herring in the Baltic is decreasing in almost all autumn time series. At

    the same time fat content is decreasing in herring from Harufjärden, Landsort and

    Utlängan (autumn and spring).

    Lead concentrations in herring, cod and perch livers are decreasing in almost all time

    series from both the Swedish west coast and the Baltic.

    The increasing trends of cadmium concentrations in herring liver from the Baltic Proper

    and from the Bothnian Sea reported for the period 1980 to 1997 seems to have


    In herring from Ängskärsklubb a significant decrease can be seen for the last ten years,

    and in the time series from Landsort there is also indications of this decrease.

    Cadmium concentrations in blue mussels from the Baltic Proper are about 5 times


    than the suggested background levels for the North Sea and 3 times higher than

    the mussel samples from Fladen and Väderöarna.

    HCH’s are decreasing at almost all sites with a time serie long enough to permit a

    statistical trend analysis.

    HCB is decreasing in herring, cod and guillemot from the Baltic Proper and also in

    herring and cod at the Swedish westcoast. However, some relatively



    have been detected in the last years, and it looks like the decrease is

    levelling out.

    TCDD-equivalents have not decreased in herring at Harufjärden, Karlskrona and

    Fladen during the investigated timeperiod 1990-1999. There is a significant decrease of

    these substances in guillemot eggs from St Karlsö between 1970 and the middle of the

    80-ies after that, the decrease has levelled out.


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  • 11.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Aune, Marie
    Executive, Myndigheter, Livsmedelsverket, SLV.
    Fridén, Ulrika
    Executive, Myndigheter, Livsmedelsverket, SLV.
    Gyllenhammar, Irina
    Executive, Universitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
    Lignell, Sanna
    Executive, Myndigheter, Livsmedelsverket, SLV.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
    Glynn, Anders
    Executive, Universitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
    Temporal trends of Swedish environmental and human milk concentrations of dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs, with forecasts to 20402020Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The report deals with temporal trends of measured concentrations of representative congeners

    of dioxin-like PCBs, dioxins (PCDDs) and furans (PCDFs) (here together called dioxins) in

    biological samples from the Swedish marine and freshwater environment together with human

    milk and food.

    Dioxins are well-known for causing cancer, severe reproductive and developmental problems,

    damage the immune system and for interfering with hormonal systems. Dioxin exposure has

    further been suggested to induce birth defects, reduced sperm counts, diabetes, learning

    disabilities, immune system suppression, lung problems, skin disorders, lowered testosterone

    levels and more.

    The data originates from national monitoring programs on contaminants financed by the

    Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and accomplished by the Swedish Food

    Agency (SFA), the Swedish Museum of Natural History (SMNH) and Stockholm University

    (SU). Temporal trends of the abovementioned chemicals have been studied, also, the trends

    have been extrapolated in an attempt to forecast the situation during the coming 20 years.

    The present report focus on temporal trends and longer time series (often more than 2

    decades). Compilations that covers also shorter time-series, relations between various

    biological samples and geographical distribution can be found elsewhere. A thorough study

    describing the dioxin situation in the Baltic was carried out by the Swedish EPA 2013

    (Wiberg et al., 2013).

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  • 12.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Boalt, Elin
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Danielsson, Sara
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Hedman, Jenny
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Johansson, Anna-Karin
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Miller, Aroha
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Berger, Urs
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Borg, Hans
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Eriksson, Ulla
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Holm, Karin
    Nylund, Kerstin
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Haglund, Peter
    Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU.
    Övervakning av metaller och organiska miljögifter i marin biota, 20112011Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    The environmental toxicants examined in this report can be classified into five groups –

    heavy metals, chlorinated compounds, brominated flame retardants, polyaromatic

    hydrocarbons and perfluorinated compounds. Each of these contaminants has been

    examined from various sites for up to six different fish species, in blue mussels, and in

    guillemot eggs, for varying lengths of time. The following summary examines overall

    trends, spatial and temporal, for the five groups.

    Condition and Fat Content

    Condition and fat content in different species tended to follow the same pattern at the same

    sites, with a few exceptions. Most of the fish species generally displayed a decreasing trend

    in both condition and fat content at most sites examined. Exceptions to this were increases

    in fat content seen in herring (the last ten years) and cod at Fladen; an increase in condition

    for herring at Ängskärsklubb in spring; and in perch, a decrease in fat content at

    Kvädöfjärden but no trend in condition for the same site.

    Heavy Metals

    Due to a change in methods for metal analysis (not Hg) in 2004, values between 2003 and

    2007 should be interpreted with care. From 2009 metals are analyzed at ITM, Stockholm


    The longer time series in guillemot egg and spring-caught herring from the southern

    Bothnian Sea and southern Baltic Proper show significant decreases of mercury. The

    herring site in the southern Bothnain Sea indicates a local Hg-source. The rest of the time

    series show varying concentrations over the study period, and even increasing trends in e.g.

    cod muscle and blue mussels, but the concentrations are fairly low compared to measured

    concentrations in perch from fresh water and coastal sites. However, in most cases, these

    concentrations are above the newly suggested EU-target level of 20 ng/g wet weight.

    Lead is generally decreasing over the study period (in time series of sufficient length),

    supposedly due to the elimination of lead in gasoline. Elevated lead concentrations between

    2003 and 2007 (e.g. Harufjärden) should be viewed with caution (see above regarding

    change in analysis methods).

    Cadmium concentrations show varying non-linear trends over the monitored period. It is

    worth noting that despite several measures taken to reduce discharges of cadmium,

    generally the most recent concentrations are similar to concentrations measured 30 years

    ago in the longer time series.

    The reported nickel concentrations show no consistent decreasing trends. Some series begin

    with two elevated values that exert a strong leverage effect on the regression line and may

    give a false impression of decreasing trends. Chromium generally shows decreasing trends,

    possibly explained by a shift in analytical method. The essential trace metals, copper and

    zinc, show no consistent trends during the monitored period.

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  • 13.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Danielsson, Sara
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Ek, Caroline
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Faxneld, Suzanne
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Comments Concerning the National Swedish Contaminant Monitoring Programme in Marine Biota, 2017 (2016 years data)2017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The report summarises the monitoring activities within the National Swedish Contaminant Programme in marine biota.

    Time series of analysed contaminants (heavy metals, organochlorines, brominated flame retardants, perfluorinated substances and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in biota are presented together with summaries of the results from the statistical analyses. The data represent the bioavailable portion of the investigated contaminants i.e. the portion that has effectively passed through biological membranes and may cause toxic effects. The report does not in general give background or explanations to significant changes found in the time series. Thus, increasing concentrations highlight the need for intensified studies.

    - There was no general trend in heavy metal concentrations except for lead that is generally decreasing over the study period (in time series of sufficient length), supposedly due to the elimination of lead in gasoline.

    - Generally, decreasing concentrations were observed for organochlorines (DDT’s, PCB’s, HCH’s, HCB), also including TCDD-equivalents over the whole study period, but not during the last decades. The chlorinated compounds generally show higher concentrations in the Bothnian Sea and/or Baltic Proper when compared to the Bothnian Bay and the Swedish west coast.

    - Increasing trends of brominated flame retardants in guillemot eggs from late 1960s until early 1990s for polybrominated diphenyl ethers such as BDE-47, -99 and -100 and until mid-2000s for HBCDD, but with decreasing concentrations during the more recent time period. The PBDEs and HBCDD show higher concentrations in the Baltic Sea compared to the Swedish west coast.

    - A consistently increasing concentration of PFOS in guillemot eggs has been observed throughout the whole time period, however, during the most recent ten years a change of direction is seen.

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  • 14.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Danielsson, Sara
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Ek, Caroline
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Faxneld, Suzanne
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Comments Concerning the National Swedish Contaminant Monitoring Programme in Marine Biota, 2017: Övervakning av metaller och organiska miljögifter i marin biota, 20172017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The report summarises the monitoring activities within the National Swedish Contaminant Programme in marine biota. Time series of analysed contaminants (heavy metals, organochlorines, brominated flame retardants, perfluorinated substances and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in biota are presented together with summaries of the results from the statistical analyses. The data represent the bioavailable portion of the investigated contaminants i.e. the portion that has effectively passed through biological membranes and may cause toxic effects. The report does not in general give background or explanations to significant changes found in the time series. Thus, increasing concentrations highlight the need for intensified studies. - There was no general trend in heavy metal concentrations except for lead that is generally decreasing over the study period (in time series of sufficient length), supposedly due to the elimination of lead in gasoline. - Generally, decreasing concentrations were observed for organochlorines (DDT’s, PCB’s, HCH’s, HCB), also including TCDD-equivalents over the whole study period, but not during the last decades. The chlorinated compounds generally show higher concentrations in the Bothnian Sea and/or Baltic Proper when compared to the Bothnian Bay and the Swedish west coast. - Increasing trends of brominated flame retardants in guillemot eggs from late 1960s until early 1990s for polybrominated diphenyl ethers such as BDE-47, -99 and -100 and until mid-2000s for HBCDD, but with decreasing concentrations during the more recent time period. The PBDEs and HBCDD show higher concentrations in the Baltic Sea compared to the Swedish west coast. - A consistently increasing concentration of PFOS in guillemot eggs has been observed throughout the whole time period, however, during the most recent ten years a change of direction is seen.

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  • 15.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Danielsson, Sara
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Faxneld, Suzanne
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Comments Concerning the National Swedish Contaminant Monitoring Programme in Marine Biota, 20162016Report (Other academic)
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  • 16.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Danielsson, Sara
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Faxneld, Suzanne
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Berger, Urs
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Borg, Hans
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Eriksson, Ulla
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Holm, Karin
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Nylund, Kerstin
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Haglund, Peter
    Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU.
    Övervakning av metaller och organiska miljögifter i marin biota, 20122012Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The environmental toxicants examined in this report can be classified into five groups –

    heavy metals, chlorinated compounds, brominated flame retardants, polyaromatic

    hydrocarbons and perfluorinated compounds. Each of these contaminants has been

    examined from various sites for up to six different fish species, in blue mussels, and in

    guillemot eggs, for varying lengths of time. The following summary examines overall

    trends, spatial and temporal, for the five groups.

    Condition and Fat Content

    Condition and fat content in different species tended to follow the same pattern at the same

    sites, with a few exceptions. Most of the fish species generally displayed a decreasing trend

    in both condition and fat content at most sites examined. Exceptions to this were increases

    in fat content and condition factor seen in cod liver at both sites; an increase in condition

    for herring at Ängskärsklubb in spring; and in perch and eelpout, a decrease in fat content at

    Kvädöfjärden (perch) and Väderöarna (eelpout) but no trend in condition for the same site.

    Heavy Metals

    Due to a change in methods for metal analysis (not Hg) in 2004, values between 2003 and

    2007 should be interpreted with care. From 2009 metals are analyzed at ITM, Stockholm


    The longer time series in guillemot egg and spring-caught herring from the southern

    Bothnian Sea and southern Baltic Proper show significant decreases of mercury. The

    herring site in the southern Bothnain Sea indicates a local Hg-source. The rest of the time

    series show varying concentrations over the study period, and even increasing trends in e.g.

    cod muscle and eelpout muscle from Väderöarna, but the concentrations are fairly low

    compared to measured concentrations in perch from fresh water and coastal sites. However,

    in most cases, these concentrations are above the newly suggested EU-target level of 20

    ng/g wet weight.

    Lead is generally decreasing over the study period (in time series of sufficient length),

    supposedly due to the elimination of lead in gasoline. Elevated lead concentrations

    between 2003 and 2007 (e.g. Harufjärden) should be viewed with caution (see above

    regarding change in analysis methods).

    Cadmium concentrations show varying non-linear trends over the monitored period. It is

    worth noting that despite several measures taken to reduce discharges of cadmium,

    generally the most recent concentrations are similar to concentrations measured 30 years

    ago in the longer time series.

    The reported nickel concentrations show no consistent decreasing trends. Some series begin

    with two elevated values that exert a strong leverage effect on the regression line and may

    give a false impression of decreasing trends. Chromium generally shows decreasing trends,

    possibly explained by a shift in analytical method. The essential trace metals, copper and

    zinc, show no consistent trends during the monitored period.

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  • 17.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Danielsson, Sara
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Faxneld, Suzanne
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Vasileiou, Maria
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Fång, Johan
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Dahlgren, Henrik
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Kylberg, Eva
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Staveley Öhlund, Jill
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Jones, Douglas
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Stenström, Malin
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Berger, Urs
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Alsberg, Tomas
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Kärsrud, Anne-Sofie
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Sundbom, Marcus
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Holm, Karin
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Eriksson, Ulla
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Egebäck, Anna-Lena
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU.
    Haglund, Peter
    Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU, Umeå universitet, teknisk- naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, kemiska institutionen.
    Kaj, Lennart
    Executive, Forskningsinstitut, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Comments Concerning the National Swedish Contaminant Monitoring Programme in Marine Biota, 20152015Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The environmental toxicants examined in this report can be classified into five groups – heavy metals, chlorinated compounds, brominated flame retardants, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and perfluorinated compounds. Each of these contaminants have been examined from various sites for up to six different fish species, in blue mussels, and in guillemot eggs, for varying lengths of time. The following summary examines overall trends, spatial and temporal, for the five groups.

    Condition and Fat Content

    Condition and fat content in different species tended to follow the same pattern at the same sites, with a few exceptions. Most of the fish species generally displayed a decreasing trend in both condition and fat content at most sites examined. Exceptions to this were increases in condition factor seen in cod liver at Fladen, perch muscle at Kvädöfjärden, and for herring at Ängskärsklubb in spring. Also, an increase in fat content was seen during the most recent ten years for herring at Ängskärsklubb in spring. There were also some sites where no log linear trends were seen.

    Heavy Metals

    Due to a change in methods for metal analysis (not mercury) in 2004, values between 2003 and 2007 should be interpreted with care. From 2009 metals are analyzed at ACES, Stockholm University.

    Generally, higher mercury concentrations are found in the Bothnian Bay, but also from one station in the Northern parts of Baltic Proper, compared to other parts of the Swedish coastline. The time series show varying concentrations over the study period. The longer time series in guillemot egg and spring-caught herring from the southern Bothnian Sea and southern Baltic Proper show significant decreases of mercury. On the other hand, increasing concentrations are seen in e.g., cod muscle, but the concentrations are fairly low compared to measured concentrations in perch from fresh water and coastal sites. In most cases, the mercury concentrations are above the EQSbiota of 20 ng/g wet weight.

    Lead is generally decreasing over the study period (in time series of sufficient length), supposedly due to the elimination of lead in gasoline. The highest concentrations are seen in the southern part of the Baltic Sea. Elevated lead concentrations between 2003 and 2007 (e.g. Harufjärden) should be viewed with caution (see above regarding change in analysis methods). Lead concentrations are below the suggested target level at all stations.

    Cadmium concentrations show varying non-linear trends over the monitored period. It is worth noting that despite several measures taken to reduce discharges of cadmium, generally the most recent concentrations are similar to concentrations measured 30 years

    ago in the longer time series. Cadmium concentrations in herring and perch are all below the suggested target level of 160 μg/kg wet weight.

    The reported nickel concentrations show no consistent decreasing trends. Some series begin with two elevated values that exert a strong leverage effect on the regression line and may give a false impression of decreasing trends. Chromium generally shows decreasing concentrations, possibly explained by a shift in analytical method. The essential trace metals, copper and zinc, show no consistent trends during the monitored period.

    Generally higher concentrations of arsenic and silver are found along the west coast compared to other parts of the Sweadish coast line. However for silver a few stations in the Bothnian Sea and Bothnian Bay show comparable concentrations to the west coast stations.

    Chlorinated Compounds

    Generally, a decreasing concentrations were observed for all compounds (DDT’s, PCB’s, HCH’s, HCB) in all species examined, with a few exceptions, such as no change in TCDD-equivalents being seen in herring muscle (except at Änskärsklubb where very high concentrations at the beginning of the sampling period were seen and also at the west coast station Fladen). The longer time-series in guillemot also show a marked decrease in TCDD-equivalents from the start in the late 1960s until about 1985 from where no change occurred for many years, however, during the most recent ten years a decrease in the concentration is seen. Concentrations of DDE and CB-118 are for some species and sites still above their respective target levels.

    The chlorinated compounds generally show higher concentrations in the Bothnian Sea and/or Baltic Proper when compared to the Bothnian Bay and the Swedish west coast.

    Brominated Flame Retardants

    Elevated levels of HBCDD are seen in sites from the Baltic Proper, while the investigated PBDEs show higher concentrations in the Bothnian Bay. In addition, lower concentrations of all investigated PBDEs and HBCDD are seen on the Swedish west coast compared to the east coast. Temporally, significant increases in BDE-47, -99 and -100 have been seen in guillemot eggs since the late 1960s until the early 1990s, where concentrations then began to show decreases. Also, the concentration of HBCDD in guillemot eggs shows a decrease during the most recent ten years. For fish and blue mussels, BDE-47, -99, and -153 decreased at some sites and showed no trend at other sites. The concentration of HBCDD in fish and blue mussels showed inconsistent trends. The concentration of HBCDD is below the EQSbiota of 167 μg/kg wet weight for all fish species from all areas, while the concentration of BDE-47 alone is above the EQSbiota for sumPBDE of 0.0085 ng/g wet weight.


    Only blue mussels have been examined for spatial differences in PAH concentrations. Concentration of ΣPAH was found to be higher from Kvädöfjärden in the Baltic Proper compared to stations at the West coast, but individual PAHs showed varying spatial patterns. Over time, acenaphthalene was rarely found above the detection limit. Significant decreasing trends were observed for ΣPAH, chrysene, fluoranthene and pyrene at Fjällbacka; for naphthalene at Kvädöfjärden; and for pyrene at Fladen.

    All time series where concentrations of various PAHs were compared with the target value based on OSPAR Ecological Assessment Criteria, or EC Environmental Quality Standards were below the target value.


    PFHxS and PFOS show a similar spatial pattern, but PFOS concentrations were approximately 25 times higher than PFHxS levels. The distribution of PFOS is quite homogenous along the Swedish coast but with somewhat higher concentrations in the Baltic Proper. PFOS concentrations in guillemot eggs are about 100-200 times higher than in herring liver. An overall increasing concentration of PFOS in guillemot eggs has been observed throughout the whole time period, however, during the most recent ten years, a change of direction is detected. The longer herring time series from Harufjärden, Landsort, and Utlängan show increasing concentrations for PFOS and most carboxylates. For FOSA, on the other hand, decreasing concentrations are seen during the most recent ten years.

    Organotin compounds

    The majority of the analysed tinorganic compounds showed concentrations below LOQ. However TBT and DPhT showed concentrations above LOQ at all stations with highest reported concentrations in fish from Örefjärden in the northern part of Bothnian Sea.

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  • 18.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Länsstyrelser, Länsstyrelsen Gävleborg. Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Danielsson, Sara
    Executive, Länsstyrelser, Länsstyrelsen Gävleborg. Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Greyerz, Erik
    Executive, Länsstyrelser, Länsstyrelsen Gävleborg. Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Bergek, Sture
    Executive, Länsstyrelser, Länsstyrelsen Gävleborg. Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU, Umeå universitet, teknisk- naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, kemiska institutionen.
    Säsongsvariation och geografisk variation i koncentrationer av dioxiner, dibensofuraner och dioxinlika PCB:er i strömming från Bottenhavet2009Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Säsongsvariation och geografisk variation i koncentrationer av dioxiner,

    dibensofuraner och dioxinlika PCB:er ,i strömming från Bottenhavet

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  • 19.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Danielsson, Sara
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Asplund, Lillemor
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för tillämpad miljövetenskap, ITM.
    Eriksson, Ulla
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för tillämpad miljövetenskap, ITM.
    Berger, Urs
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för tillämpad miljövetenskap, ITM.
    Haglund, Peter
    Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU, Umeå universitet, teknisk- naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, kemiska institutionen.
    Övervakning av metaller och organiska miljögifter i marin biota, 20092009Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    This report gives a summary of the monitoring activities within the national Swedish contaminant programme in marine biota. It is the result from the joint efforts of: the Department of Applied Environmental Science at Stockholm University (analyses of organochlorines), the Department of Environmental Assessment at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (analyses of heavy metals), Department of Chemistry at Umeå University (analyses of PCDD/PCDF) and the Department of Contaminant Research at the Swedish Museum of Natural History (co-ordination, sample collection administration, sample preparation, recording of biological variables, storage of frozen biological tissues in the Environmental Specimen Bank for retrospective studies, data preparation and statistical evaluation). The monitoring programme is financiated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Sweden. The data of concern in this report represent the bioavailable part of the investigated contaminants i.e. the part that has virtually passed through the biological membranes and may cause toxic effects. The objectives of the monitoring program in marine biota could be summarised as follows:  to estimate the levels and the normal variation of various contaminants in marine biota from several representative sites, uninfluenced by local sources, along the Swedish coasts. The goal is to describe the general contaminant load and to supply reference values for regional and local monitoring programmes  to monitor long term time trends and to estimate the rate of found changes. quantified objective: to detect an annual change of 10% within a time period of 10 years with a power of 80% at a significance level of 5%.  to estimate the response in marine biota of measures taken to reduce the discharges of various contaminants quantified objective: to detect a 50% decrease within a time period of 10 years with a power of 80% at a significance level of 5%.  to detect incidents of regional influence or widespread incidents of ‘Chernobyl’-character and to act as watchdog monitoring to detect renewed usage of banned contaminants. quantified objective: to detect an increase of 200% a single year with a power of 80% at a significance level of 5%.  to indicate large scale spatial differences quantified objective: to detect differences of a factor 2 between sites with a power of 80% at a significance level of 5%.  to explore the development and regional differences of the composition and pattern of e.g. PCB’s, HCH’s, DDT’s, PCDD/F, PBDE/HBCD, PAH’s and PFC’s as well as the ratios between various contaminants.  the time series are also relevant for human consumption since important commercial fish species like herring and cod are sampled. A co-operation with the Swedish Food Administration is established. Sampling is also co-ordinated with SSI (Swedish Radiation Protection Authority) for analysing radionuclides in fish and blue mussels (HELCOM,1992).  all analysed, and a large number of additional specimens, of the annually systematically collected material are stored frozen in the Environmental Specimen Bank. This invaluable material enables future retrospective studies of contaminants impossible to analyse today as well as control analyses of suspected analytical errors.  although the programme is focused on contaminant concentration in biota, also the development of biological variables like e.g. condition factor (CF), liver somatic index (LSI) and fat content are monitored at all sites. At a few sites, integrated monitoring with fish physiology and population are running in co-operation with the University of Gothenburg and the Swedish Board of Fisheries.  experiences from the national programme with several time series of over 30 years can be used in the design of regional and local monitoring programmes.  the perfectly unique material of high quality and long time series is further used to explore relationships among biological variables and contaminant concentrations in various tissues; the effects of changes in sampling strategy, the estimates of variance components and the influence on the concept of power etc.  the accessibility of high quality data collected and analysed in a consistent manner is an indispensable prerequisite to evaluate the validity of hypothesis and models concerning the fate and distribution of various contaminants. It could furthermore be used as input of ‘real’ data in the ongoing model building activities concerning marine ecosystems in general and in the Baltic and North Sea environment in particular.  the contaminant programme in marine biota constitute an integrated part of the national monitoring activities in the marine environment as well as of the international programmes within ICES, OSPARCOM, HELCOM and EU. The present report displays the timeseries of analysed contaminants in biota and summarises the results from the statistical treatment. It does not in general give the background or explanations to significant changes found in the timeseries. Increasing concentrations thus, urge for intensified studies. Short comments are given for temporal trends as well as for spatial variation and, for some contaminants, differences in geometric mean concentration between various species caught at the same site. Sometimes notes of seasonal variation and differences in concentration between tissues in the same species are given. This information could say something about the relative appropriateness of the sampled matrix and be of help in designing monitoring programmes. In the temporal trend part, an extract of the relevant findings is summarised in the 'conclusion'-paragraph. It should be stressed though, that geographical differences may not reflect antropogenic influence but may be due to factors like productivity, temperature, salinity etc. The report is continuously updated. The date of the latest update is reported at the beginning of each chapter. The creation date of each figure is written in the lower left corner.

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  • 20.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Danielsson, Sara
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Strandmark, Alma
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Asplund, Lillemor
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för tillämpad miljövetenskap, ITM.
    Eriksson, Ulla
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för tillämpad miljövetenskap, ITM.
    Berger, Urs
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för tillämpad miljövetenskap, ITM.
    Wilander, Anders
    Executive, Universitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, vatten och miljö.
    Haglund, Peter
    Executive, Universitet, Umeå universitet, UmU, Umeå universitet, teknisk- naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, kemiska institutionen.
    Comments Concerning the National Swedish Contaminant Monitoring Programme in Marine Biota, 20082008Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This report gives a summary of the monitoring activities within the national Swedish contaminant programme in marine biota. It is the result from the joint efforts of: the Department of Applied Environmental Science at Stockholm University (analyses of organochlorines), the Department of Environmental Assessment at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (analyses of heavy metals), Department of Chemistry at Umeå University (analyses of PCDD/PCDF) and the Department of Contaminant Research at the Swedish Museum of Natural History (co-ordination, sample collection administration, sample preparation, recording of biological variables, storage of frozen biological tissues in the Environmental Specimen Bank for retrospective studies, data preparation and statistical evaluation). The monitoring programme is financiated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Sweden.The data of concern in this report represent the bioavailable part of the investigated contaminants i.e. the part that has virtually passed through the biological membranes and may cause toxic effects. The objectives of the monitoring program in marine biota could be summarised as follows:• to estimate the levels and the normal variation of various contaminants in marine biota from several representative sites, uninfluenced by local sources, along the Swedish coasts. The goal is to describe the general contaminant load and to supply reference values for regional and local monitoring programmes• to monitor long term time trends and to estimate the rate of found changes.quantified objective: to detect an annual change of 10% within a time period of 10 years with a power of 80% at a significance level of 5%.• to estimate the response in marine biota of measures taken to reduce the discharges of various contaminantsquantified objective: to detect a 50% decrease within a time period of 10 years with a power of 80% at a significance level of 5%.• to detect incidents of regional influence or widespread incidents of ‘Chernobyl’- character and to act as watchdog monitoring to detect renewed usage of banned contaminants.quantified objective: to detect an increase of 200% a single year with a power of 80% at a significance level of 5%.• to indicate large scale spatial differencesquantified objective: to detect differences of a factor 2 between sites with a power of 80% at a significance level of 5%.• to explore the development and regional differences of the composition and pattern of e.g. PCB’s, HCH’s and DDT’s as well as the ratios between various contaminants.• the time series are also relevant for human consumption since important commercial fish species like herring and cod are sampled. A co-operation with the Swedish Food Administration is established. Sampling is also co-ordinated with SSI (Swedish Radiation Protection Authority) for analysing radionuclides in fish and blue mussels (HELCOM, 1992).• all analysed, and a large number of additional specimens, of the annually systematically collected material are stored frozen in the Environmental Specimen Bank.. This invaluable4material enables future retrospective studies of contaminants impossible to analyse today as well as control analyses of suspected analytical errors.• although the programme is focused on contaminant concentration in biota, also the development of biological variables like e.g. condition factor (CF), liver somatic index (LSI) and fat content are monitored at all sites. At a few sites, integrated monitoring with fish physiology and population are running in co-operation with the University of Gothenburg and the Swedish Board of Fisheries.• experiences from the national programme with several time series of over 25 years can be used in the design of regional and local monitoring programmes.• the perfectly unique material of high quality and long time series is further used to explore relationships among biological variables and contaminant concentrations in various tissues; the effects of changes in sampling strategy, the estimates of variance components and the influence on the concept of power etc.• the accessibility of high quality data collected and analysed in a consistent manner is an indispensable prerequisite to evaluate the validity of hypothesis and models concerning the fate and distribution of various contaminants. It could furthermore be used as input of ‘real’ data in the ongoing model building activities concerning marine ecosystems in general and in the Baltic and North Sea environment in particular.• the contaminant programme in marine biota constitute an integrated part of the national monitoring activities in the marine environment as well as of the international programmes within ICES, OSPARCOM and HELCOM.The present report displays the timeseries of analysed contaminants in biota and summarises the results from the statistical treatment. It does not in general give the background or explanations to significant changes found in the timeseries. Increasing concentrations thus, urge for intensified studies.Short comments are given for temporal trends as well as for spatial variation and, for some contaminants, differences in geometric mean concentration between various species caught at the same site. Sometimes notes of seasonal variation and differences in concentration between tissues in the same species are given. This information could say something about the relative appropriateness of the sampled matrix and be of help in designing monitoring programmes. In the temporal trend part, an extract of the relevant findings is summarised in the 'conclusion'-paragraph. It should be stressed though, that geographical differences may not reflect antropogenic influence but may be due to factors like productivity, temperature, salinity etc.The report is continuously updated. The date of the latest update is reported at the beginning of each chapter. The creation date of each figure is written in the lower left corner.

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  • 21.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Greyerz, Erik
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Carlén, Ida
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Jämförande analyser av organiska miljögifter i fisk2004Report (Other academic)
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  • 22.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Swedish Environmental Protection Agency . Executive, Länstyrelserna, länsstyrelsen, lst, Länsstyrelsen Stockholm. Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Gustavsson, Nicklas
    Swedish Environmental Protection Agency . Executive, Länstyrelserna, länsstyrelsen, lst, Länsstyrelsen Stockholm. Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Danielsson, Sara
    Swedish Environmental Protection Agency . Executive, Länstyrelserna, länsstyrelsen, lst, Länsstyrelsen Stockholm. Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Metaller i abborre från Lagnö och Askö 2007-20102013Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    English summary: Heavy metals in perch from Lagnö och

    Askö in the Stockholm archipelago, 2007–2010

    The Environmental Analysis Section of the Stockholm County

    Administrative Board commissioned the Swedish Museum of Natural

    History to analyze heavy metals in perch (Perca fluviatilis) from two

    relatively undisturbed and unaffected areas of the Stockholm archipelago:

    Lagnö and Askö. The metals analyzed were: arsenic, cadmium, chromium,

    copper, nickel, lead, zinc, tin, silver, and mercury.

    Concentrations of heavy metals were analyzed in fish caught during the

    years 2007–2010 within the regional environmental monitoring program:

    “Integrated monitoring of coastal fish, coastal fish stocks at Askö-Fifång

    and Lagnö”. Sampling at Askö was carried out in cooperation with the

    Södermanland County Administrative Board. The concentrations of heavy

    metals in perch from Lagnö and Askö were compared with those in perch

    from the two closest national reference sites: Holmöarna in Västerbotten

    County and Kvädöfjärden in southern Östergötland County.

    We chose to study perch, because they are relatively stationary compared

    with many other fish species. The concentrations of metals in perch are

    therefore relatively specific for these areas. Perch are also used within the

    national program for monitoring of environmental contaminants.

    Fish were collected and analyzed according to the routines for the national

    environmental monitoring program and standardized methods for

    monitoring metals and organic contaminants in fish. The analyses were

    carried out on pooled samples that were composed of 15 perch per sampling

    station and year. All metals were analyzed from samples of perch liver,

    except for mercury, which was analyzed from samples of muscle.

    The results of this study show that the observation period (2007–2010) was

    too short to detect statistically significant trends in concentrations of the

    target metals. We plan to carry out further analyses of heavy metals in perch

    from Lagnö and Askö within a few years.

    Our study does show that concentrations of most heavy metals in perch

    from Lagnö and Askö are similar to those in perch from the two national

    reference sites. The results also show, for those metals that have existing

    assessment criteria/Environmental Quality Standards, that found

    concentrations lie far below these assessment criteria/Environmental Quality

    Standards. This is positive news.


    The exception is mercury. At both Lagnö and Askö, the concentration levels

    lie over the limit for good chemical status for mercury. The concentration

    levels, however, lie well below the permissible limit for the commercial sale

    of perch as food, but fluctuate at the same time both above and below the

    permissible level for foodstuffs for children at both Lagnö and Askö.

    The pattern is similar at the national reference sites, where mercury

    concentrations in perch lie above the limits for good chemical status, but

    below the permissible limit for the commercial sale of perch as food.

    From a health perspective, it is favorable that mercury levels are low in

    perch from Lagnö and Askö. However, it is important to consider the

    recommendations of the Swedish National Food Agency, that women who

    plan on having children in the near future, who are pregnant, or who are

    breastfeeding, should not eat fish that may contain mercury more than 2-3

    times per year. This advice also applies to infants. It is thought that this

    level of intake of fish is without risk to the foetus/infant.

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  • 23.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Adjustments for confounders in pooled samples2017Report (Other academic)
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  • 24.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Underlag för dimensionering av nationell miljögiftsövervakning i kust och hav2009Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    De tidsserier som omfattas av det svenska nationella programmet förövervakning av miljögifter i biologiska prov är av god kvalitet av höginternationell klass.ôタツᄒ Stationsnätet är glest även med internationella mått och skulle behöva förtätas,speciellt med tanke på kraven i EU’s vattendirektiv. I synnerhet bordeövervakningen i Bottenhavet förtätas men även de sydligaste delarna avegentliga Östersjön.ôタツᄒ Nya utsjölokaler skulle förbättra möjligheterna att avgöra grad av påverkanfrån kustregionen respektive andra länder.ôタツᄒ Förbättrad samordning internationellt mellan regionala program ochexempelvis Livsmedelsverket, Fiskeriverket och skulle kunna förtäta detgeografiska stationsnätet.

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  • 25.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Underlag för dimensionering av nationell miljögiftsövervakning i kust och hav2006Report (Other academic)
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  • 26.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Asplund, Lillemor
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för tillämpad miljövetenskap, ITM.
    Eriksson, Ulla
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för tillämpad miljövetenskap, ITM.
    Wilander, Anders
    Executive, Universitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, vatten och miljö.
    Comments Concerning the National Swedish Contaminant Monitoring Programme in Marine Biota, 20062006Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This report gives a summary of the monitoring activities within the national Swedishcontaminant programme in marine biota. It is the result from the joint efforts of: theInstitute of Applied Environmental Research at Stockholm University (analyses oforganochlorines), the Centre for Environmental Monitoring at the University of Agriculture(analyses of heavy metals) and the Contaminant Research Group at the Swedish Museumof Natural History (co-ordination, sample collection administration, sample preparation,recording of biological variables, minor additional analyses of organochlorines, storage offrozen biological tissues in the Environmental Specimen Bank for retrospective studies,data preparation and statistical evaluation). The monitoring programme is financiated by theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Sweden.The data of concern in this report represent the bioavailable part of the investigatedcontaminants i.e. the part that has virtually passed through the biological membranes andmay cause biological effects. The objectives of the monitoring program in marine biotacould be summarised as follows:• to estimate the levels and the normal variation of various contaminants in marine biotafrom several representative sites, uninfluenced by local sources, along the Swedish coasts.The goal is to describe the general contaminant status and to supply reference values forregional and local monitoring programmes• to monitor long term time trends and to estimate the rate of found changes.quantified objective: to detect an annual change of 10% within a time period of 10 years with a power of 80%at a significance level of 5%.• to estimate the response in marine biota of measures taken to reduce the discharges ofvarious contaminantsquantified objective: to detect a 50% decrease within a time period of 10 years with a power of 80% at asignificance level of 5%.• to detect incidents of regional influence or widespread incidents of ‘Chernobyl’-character and to act as watchdog monitoring to detect renewed usage of bannedcontaminants.quantified objective: to detect an increase of 200% a single year with a power of 80% at a significance level of5%.• to indicate large scale spatial differencesquantified objective: to detect differences of a factor 2 between sites with a power of 80% at a significancelevel of 5%.• to explore the development and regional differences of the composition and pattern ofe.g. PCB’s, HCH’s and DDT’s as well as the ratios between various contaminants.• the time series are also relevant for human consumption since important commercial fishspecies like herring and cod are sampled. A co-operation with the Swedish FoodAdministration is established. Sampling is also co-ordinated with SSI (Swedish RadiationProtection Authority) for analysing radionuclides in fish and blue mussels (HELCOM,1992).• all analysed, and a large number of additional specimens, of the annually systematicallycollected material are stored frozen in the Environmental Specimen Bank.. This invaluable5material enables future retrospective studies of contaminants impossible to analyse today aswell as control analyses of suspected analytical errors.• although the programme is focused on contaminant concentration in biota, also thedevelopment of biological variables like e.g. condition factor (CF), liver somatic index(LSI) and fat content are monitored at all sites. At a few sites, integrated monitoring withfish physiology and population are running in co-operation with the University ofGothenburg and the Swedish Fishery Board.• experiences from the national program with several time series of over 25 years can beused in the design of regional and local monitoring programmes.• the perfectly unique material of high qualityand long time series is further used to explorerelationships among biological variables and contaminants concentrations in varioustissues; the effects of changes in sampling strategy, the estimates of variance componentsand the influence on the concept of power etc.• the accessibility of high quality data collected and analysed in a consistent manner is anindispensable prerequisite to evaluate the validity of hypothesis and models concerning thefate and distribution of various contaminants. It could furthermore be used as input of ‘real’data in the ongoing model building activities concerning marine ecosystems in general andin the Baltic and North Sea environment in particular.• the contaminant programme in marine biota constitute an integrated part of the nationalmonitoring activities in the marine environment as well as of the international programmeswithin ICES, OSPARCOM and HELCOM.The present report displays the timeseries of analysed contaminants in biota andsummarises the results from the statistical treatment. It does not in general give thebackground or explanations to significant changes found in the timeseries. Increasingconcentrations thus, urge for intensified studies.Short comments are given for temporal trends as well as for spatial variation and, for somecontaminants, differences in geometric mean concentration between various species caughtat the same site. Sometimes notes of seasonal variation and differences in concentrationbetween tissues in the same species are given. This information could say something aboutthe relative appropriateness of the sampled matrix and be of help in designing monitoringprogrammes. In the temporal trend part, an extract of the relevant findings is summarised inthe 'conclusion'-paragraph. It should be stressed though, that geographical differences maynot reflect antropogenic influence but may be due to factors like productivity, temperature,salinity etc.The report is continuously updated. The date of the latest update is reported at the beginningof each chapter. The creation date of each figure is written in the lower left corner.

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  • 27.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Odsjö, Tjelvar
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Metals and Organic Contaminants in Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) from central and southern Sweden2008Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    The present study has been carried out on mandate of and in cooperation with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) according to Agreement 222 0744. By use of liver and muscle of starling as a matrix representing parts of the terrestrial environment, the study will focus on accumulation, profiles and concentrations of some pesticides used in semi-agricultural areas of Sweden as well as the accumulated levels of some metals and ground elements. Flame retardants are materials added or applied to a product to increase its fire resistance. This study focuses on accumulated levels of PBDEs and HBCD. Five phenolic substances were analysed in muscle of starling; 4-tert-octylphenol (OP), nonylphenol, triclosan, bisphenol A and pentachlorphenol (PCP). Finally we screened the great group of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs).

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  • 28.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Odsjö, Tjelvar
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Galgan, Vera
    Executive, Universitet, Uppsala University.
    Petersson, Lars
    Executive, Universitet, Uppsala University.
    Mörner, Torsten
    Executive, Universitet, Uppsala University.
    Time trends of metals in organs of moose (Alces alces) from Sweden, 1980-20002002Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    The long-term monitoring of persistent and bio-accumulating chemicals in the Swedishenvironment is part of the Swedish National Environmental Monitoring Programme. It is based on chemical analyses of tissues and organs from species collected in selected referenceareas of the Swedish mainland, lakes and coastal areas (Odsjö & Olsson 1979a,b, Bernes1985). As part of the terrestrial contaminant monitoring programme, specimens of muscle,liver and kidney of moose (Alces alces) have been collected since 1980 from Grimsö, areference area in the monitoring programme and a coherent hunting district in the Örebrocounty (T) in south-central Sweden. In 1996, the monitoring was extended by collection andchemical analysis of organs of moose from six further counties and districts in Sweden. Thesedistricts are situated in the Norrbotten county (BD), Jämtland county (Z), Västmanland county(U), Älvsborg county (P), Jönköping county (F) and Kronoberg county (G) (Figure 1).Moose, with a diet dominated by twigs and leaves of trees and shrubs (Cederlund et al. 1980),was chosen in the monitoring programme as a representative of biota in the Swedish forestareas. Since the moose is distributed almost all over the country, it was considered as an idealmaterial also for studies of spatial distribution of environmental pollution and bio-accumulation,which is the reason for the extended collection of samples in 1996 onwards.This report presents levels and time trends of Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Vand Zn in liver and kidney and Hg and Se in liver and muscle from the period 1996-2000. For Grimsö data from an extended period, 1980-2000 is presented.

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  • 29.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Odsjö, Tjelvar
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Räikkönen, Jannikke
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Time trends of metals in liver and muscle of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) from northern and central Lapland, Sweden, 1983-20032005Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    The long-term monitoring of bio-accumulating contaminants in biota from terrestrial environments in Sweden as part of the Swedish National Environmental Monitoring Programme is based on analysis of organs and tissues of different animal species collected in certain pristine areas of the Swedish mainland (Odsjö and Olsson 1979 a,b). In the mountainous area of north-western Sweden, reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) is chosen as a representative indicator for the fauna living in that part of the country. Samples of reindeer have continuously been collected in three districts since the early 1980s. Later, the Declaration on the Protection of the Arctic environment established an Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) to monitor levels and assess effects of anthropogenic pollutants in components of the Arctic environment. The Programme recommends that collection of baseline data for heavy metals and radionuclides in caribou/reindeer should be mandatory for participating states due to the importance of that species in the diets of northern native people (AMAP 1993). The current material of reindeer from northern and central Lapland partly satisfies the Swedish association in the AMAP programme.The herbivorous reindeer spend the summer time in the westernmost part of the high mountain areas. Summer diets include grasses, sedges, twigs, leaves and mushrooms. During autumn they migrate eastwards to winter grounds in the central coniferous forest areas of the country, where they primarily feed on lichens, which are noted for their ability to accumulate nutrients and contaminants from the air. Winter diets also include sedges and twigs.The actual material of reindeer have earlier been utilised for analyses of e.g. radiocesium in a study of effects of the fallout of Cs-132 from the Chernobyl accident in 1986 (Forberg et al. 1992) and for studies of time trends of levels of HCHs and HCB (Odsjö et al. 1998).

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  • 30.
    Bignert, Anders
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Odsjö, Tjelvar
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Räikkönen, Jannikke
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Time trends of metals in liver and muscle of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) from northern and central Lapland, Sweden, 1983-20052007Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    The long-term monitoring of bio-accumulating contaminants in biota from terrestrial environments in Sweden as part of the Swedish National Environmental Monitoring Programme is based on analysis of organs and tissues of different animal species collected in certain pristine areas of the Swedish mainland (Odsjö and Olsson 1979 a,b). In the mountainous area of north-western Sweden, reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) is chosen as a representative indicator for the fauna living in that part of the country. Samples of reindeer have continuously been collected in three districts since the early 1980s. Later, the Declaration on the Protection of the Arctic environment established an Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) to monitor levels and assess effects of anthropogenic pollutants in components of the Arctic environment. The Programme recommends that collection of baseline data for heavy metals and radionuclides in caribou/reindeer should be mandatory for participating states due to the importance of that species in the diets of northern native people (AMAP 1993). The current material of reindeer from northern and central Lapland partly satisfies the Swedish participation in the AMAP programme.The herbivorous reindeer spend the summer time in the westernmost part of the high mountain areas. Summer diets include grasses, sedges, twigs, leaves and mushrooms. During autumn they migrate eastwards to winter grounds in the central coniferous forest areas of the country, where they primarily feed on lichens, which are noted for their ability to accumulate nutrients and contaminants from the air. Winter diets also include sedges and twigs.The actual material of reindeer have earlier been utilised for analyses of e.g. radiocesium in a study of effects of the fallout of Cs-132 from the Chernobyl accident in 1986 (Forberg et al. 1992) and for studies of time trends of levels of HCHs and HCB (Odsjö et al. 1998).

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  • 31.
    Björkbäck, Folke
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Preliminär förteckning över skyddsvärda myrar i X,Y och Z län1970Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]



    1. Jordbärsmyren ……………sid 1 VALBO LANDSKOMMUN.
    2. Molnviksmuren (inkl. Rock mur…sid 4
    3. Myrar vid Trösken ………………sid 6 HAMRÅNGE LANDSKOMMUN.
    4. Axmar högmosse……………sid 7 NORRALA_ENÅNGERS LANDSKOMMUNER.
    5. Myr vid SKåssan ………………...sid9ALFTA LANDSKOMMUN.
    6. Stormyren SV om Grannäsen …sid10 LOS LANDSKOMMUN.
    8. Kallmyran……………sid 12 HARMÅNGER -GNARPS LANDSKOMMUN.
    9. MYRAR vid Hårtefjärden………sid 13.
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  • 32.
    Boalt, Elin
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Dahlgren, Henrik
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Miller, Aroha
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Cadmium, lead, and mercury concentrations in whole-fish, liver, and muscle of herring (Clupea harengus) and perch (Perca fluviatilis)2012Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Monitoring of metal concentrations in fish is commonly conducted using samples of fish liver or muscle. This becomes problematic when these values are used for environmental status evaluations regarding chemical pollution, as many of the thresholds evaluating environmental status are designed to evaluate concentrations in whole-fish.

    In this study, concentrations of cadmium, lead, and mercury in herring and perch are compared between liver, muscle, and whole-fish. The aim is to create conversion factors that can be used to convert metal concentrations between tissues and organs.

    Mercury and cadmium were detected in all analyzed organs and tissues, whereas lead concentrations were below the level of quantification for most muscle and liver samples. In general, there was a strong relationship between liver and muscle concentrations and concentrations in whole-fish, indicating that creation of conversion factors between tissues and organs is suitable.

    The resulting conversion factor between whole-fish and liver concentrations for cadmium was 0.1 and 0.16 for herring and perch, respectively. The conversion factor between whole-fish and liver concentrations for mercury was 0.52 and 1.66 for herring and perch, respectively, while for whole-fish and muscle concentrations for mercury, the conversion factor was 0.86 and 0.74 for herring and perch. As there was no significant relationship between liver and whole-fish concentrations for lead, a conversion is not appropriate. Conversion factors levels differed significantly between herring and perch, indicating that species-specific conversion factors are necessary.

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  • 33.
    Bäcklin, B-M
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Moraeus, C
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Strömberg, A
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Stenström, M
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Neimanis, A
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Undersökning av insamlade sälar från Östersjön 2013/20142015Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    At the Swedish Museum of Natural History, necropsies of 120 grey seals (Halichoerus grypus), 46 harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and 35 ringed seals (Pusa hispida baltica) were performed during 2013/2014 on seals found dead in fishing gear or found dead on beaches along the Baltic coast. Additionally, organs from 73 grey seals and whole carcasses from seven ringed seal from the seal hunt were dissected/necropsied. Investigated harbor seals from the Swedish west coast will be reported separately.

    The temporal trends of age- and sex distribution, intestinal ulcers, intestinal acanthocephalan parasites, mean blubber thickness and reproduction are presented. During the 1990s the prevalence of intestinal ulcers increased in grey seals. In the 2000s the prevalence of intestinal ulcer decreased. In the Gulf of Bothnia the prevalence of intestinal ulcer and intestinal acanthocephalan parasites in grey seals are higher than in the Baltic proper. However, the temporal trend of the intestinal ulcers did not correlate with that of the parasites. Ringed seals from the Gulf of Bothnia do not show as much acanthocephalan parasites as grey seals from the same area. During the 1970s-and 80s uterine occlusions were observed in ringed seals and grey seals, 3

    making them sterile. The proportion of pregnant female grey seals has increased since the 1990s and cases of uterine occlusions in grey seals have not been observed after 1993. The blubber thickness in grey seals decreased in the beginning of 2000 and is still somewhat thin. In all three seal species, but especially in grey seals, dermal erosions, depigmentation of the eyelids and focal alopecia have been recorded since 2011. Depigmentation of the eyelids has also been observed in photos from 2005. In 2013/2014 these changes are still observed and the cause of these skin lesions is unknown. The prevalence of the liver parasite Pseudamphistomum truncatum increased significant in grey seal in 2008 and was shown to cause severe cholangiohepatitis in some cases. In a Finnish study the parasite in grey seals were in some cases positive for Brucella sp. The parasite and Brucella are zoonotic infections

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  • 34.
    Bäcklin, B-M
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Strömberg, A
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Moraeus, C
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Härkönen, T
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Karlsson, O
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Undersökning av sälar insamlade 20152017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Since the 1970s, grey seals (Halichoerus grypus), harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and ringed seals (Phoca hispida) have been collected and necropsied at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Mostly have grey seals been examined. The effect of hunting during 19th century and reproductive failure during the latter half of the century decreased Baltic seal populations. In the 1970s and 1980s, pathological changes found mostly in grey seals was called the Baltic Seal Disease Complex and was thought to be related to high levels of PCB and DDT. Since then several pathological changes have decreased in prevalence as well as levels of PCB and DDT. Since then in grey seals, the prevalence of intestinal ulcers has increased and then decreased, blubber thickness has decreased and the prevalence of a zoonotic biliary trematode infection increased.

    In 2015, whole bodies and samples from 137 grey seals, 44 harbour seals and 27 ringed seals were examined at the museum. The public reported 196 seals found dead along the Swedish coast. At present, the Baltic grey seal population increases with 8% each year and 85% of the examined females 6-24 years old were pregnant during the pregnant period (August-February) in 2015. The harbour seal populations presently increase with 7-9 % per year, although the numbers of examined harbour seals are much lower than the number of grey seals, the proportion of examined pregnant harbour seals in corresponding age group was only 57%. The ringed seal population in the Gulf of Bothnia presently increase with 4,5% per year. One 4

    mature female examined from the period of pregnancy was pregnant. Of the examined 27 ringed seals, 20 of them were younger than 4 years. Two two-year old females showed malformations as diaphragmatic hiatus in one of them and the other female lacked one of the uterine horns.

    In conclusion, the health situation for examined Baltic grey seals is better and the increase in the population during the last 15 years is stable. The number of examined harbour seals and ringed seals is small for presenting trends but harbour seals showed a tendency to low pregnancy rate that needs further studies. The populations of harbour seals on the Swedish west coast were affected by epidemics in 1988, 2002 and 2014 and the development rate of these populations have decreased since 2002. The development of the harbour seal population on the Swedish east coast has a steady increase since the 1970s. The population of ringed seals has a low increase in the Gulf of Bothnia

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  • 35.
    Bäcklin, Britt-Marie
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Moraeus, Charlotta
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Eklöf, Eva
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Lind, Ylva
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    2007 års säljakt: Undersökningar av insamlat material2008Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Naturvårdsverket beslutade 2007-04-11 och 2007-09-21 (Dnr 412-162-07 Nv och 412-6125-07 Nf) att avlysningsjakt efter gråsäl skulle bedrivas för sjunde året i följd under perioden 16 april – 31 december 2007. Jakten inkluderade åtta län (se Tabell 1) utmed Östersjö-, Bottenhavs- och Bottenvikskusten. Under perioden 16/4-31/5 fick högst hälften av respektive läns kvot av sälar fällas. Tillstånd fördelades för jakt på totalt 210 sälar varav Fiskeriverket givits tillstånd att fälla 20 gråsälar i X- och Y-län. Kvoterna fördelades per län enligt en av länsstyrelserna utarbetad modell, som bl.a. bygger på förekomst av gråsäl och faktorer som antal fiskare, fiskets inriktning, fångstvärde, sälskadornas värde samt sälskadornas varaktighet. Naturvårdsverket beslutade även, liksom tidigare år, att fällda sälar skulle få behållas på villkor att prover och ifyllda uppgifter om de fällda sälarna i en s.k. jaktrapport skickades till Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (NRM), Enheten för Miljögiftsforskning. Nedan redovisas resultat från sammanställningar baserade på patologiska under-sökningar, åldersbestämning och uppgifter från jägare samt kustbevakningen. Vissa jämförelser görs även med inskickat material från gråsälsjakten åren 2002-2006 samt med undersökta drunknade/funna döda gråsälar. Undersökningarna har finansierats av Naturvårdsverkets enheter för Viltförvaltning respektive Miljöövervakning.

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  • 36.
    Bäcklin, Britt-Marie
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Moreus, Charlotta
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Eklöf, Eva
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Lind, Ylva
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    2010 års gråsälsjakt: Undersökningar av insamlat material2010Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Naturvårdsverket beslutade 2010-04-12 (Dnr 412-2229-10 Nv ) att skyddsjakt efter gråsäl skulle bedrivas för tionde året i följd. Jakten pågick under perioden 16 april – 31 december och inkluderade nio län (se Tabell 1) utmed Östersjö-, Bottenhavs- och Bottenvikskusten. Under perioden 16/4-30/6 fick högst hälften av respektive läns kvot av sälar fällas. Svenska tillstånd för skyddsjakt omfattade totalt 230 sälar. Kvoterna fördelades per län enligt en av länsstyrelserna utarbetad modell, som bl.a. bygger på förekomst av gråsäl och faktorer som antal fiskare, fiskets inriktning, fångstvärde, sälskadornas värde samt sälskadornas varaktighet. Fälld säl rapporteras av jägaren till kustbevakningen som löpande sammanställer resultaten per län och skickar dessa vidare via e-post enligt sändlista. Naturvårdsverket beslutade även, liksom tidigare år, att fällda sälar skulle få behållas på villkor att prover och ifyllda uppgifter om de fällda sälarna i en s.k. jaktrapport skickades till Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (NRM), Enheten för Miljögiftsforskning.

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  • 37.
    Bäcklin, Britt-Marie
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Roos, Anna
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Lind, Ylva
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    2003 års avlysningsjakt på gråsäl2005Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Naturvårdsverket beslutade 2003-04-04 att avlysningsjakt efter gråsäl skulle bedrivas för tredje året i följd. År 2003 års jakt inkluderade åtta län (se Tabell 1) utmed Östersjö-, Bottenhavs- och Bottenvikskusten under perioden 16 april – 31 december. Under perioden den 16/4-31/5 fick högst hälften av respektive läns kvot av sälar fällas. Enligt beslutet fördelades tillstånd för jakt på totalt 170 sälar. Kvoterna fördelades per län enligt en av länsstyrelserna utarbetad modell, som bl.a. bygger på faktorer som antal fiskare, fiskets inriktning, fångstvärde, sälskadornas värde och sälskadornas varaktighet. Naturvårdsverket beslutade även, liksom tidigare år, att fällda sälar skulle få behållas på villkor att prover och ifyllda uppgifter om de fällda sälarna i en s.k. jaktrapport skickades till Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (NRM), Gruppen för Miljögiftsforskning. Nedan redovisas resultat från sammanställningar baserade på patologiska undersökningar, åldersbestämning och uppgifter från jägare samt kustbevakningen. Vissa jämförelser görs även med inskickat materialet från gråsälsjakten år 2002 (Bäcklin, 2003a) och undersökta drunknade eller funna döda gråsälar inskickade till NRM för Naturvårdsverkets nationella övervakningsprogram för toppkonsumenter. Undersökningarna har finansierats av Naturvårdsverkets enheter för Viltförvaltning respektive Miljöövervakning.

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  • 38.
    Bäcklin, Britt-Marie
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Strömberg, Annika
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Moraeus, Charlotta
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    2010 års knubbsälsjakt Undersökningar av insamlat material2010Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Naturvårdsverket beslutade 2010-04-28 (Dnr 412-2583-10 Nv ) att skyddsjakt efter knubbsäl skulle bedrivas för andra året i följd. Jakten pågick under perioderna 1/5-31/5 och 1/8-31/12 och inkluderade Västra Götaland och Hallands län (se Tabell 1). Svenska tillstånd för skyddsjakt omfattade totalt 90 knubbsälar. Kvoterna fördelades per län enligt en modell, som bl.a. bygger på förekomst av knubbsäl och faktorer som antal fiskare, fiskets inriktning, fångstvärde, sälskadornas värde samt sälskadornas varaktighet.

    Fälld säl rapporteras av jägaren till kustbevakningen som löpande sammanställer resultaten per län och skickar dessa vidare via e-post enligt sändlista. Naturvårdsverket beslutade även att fällda sälar skulle få behållas på villkor att prover och ifyllda uppgifter om de fällda sälarna i en s.k. jaktrapport skickades till Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (NRM), Enheten för Miljögiftsforskning.

    Nedan redovisas resultat från sammanställningar baserade på patologiska under-sökningar, åldersbestämning och uppgifter från jägare samt kustbevakningen.

    Undersökningarna har finansierats av Naturvårdsverkets enheter för Viltförvaltning respektive Miljöövervakning.

    Material och metoder

    I samband med jakten paketerar jägaren inre organ, underkäke, en bit späck med hud samt i förekommande fall penisben i plastpåsar tillsammans med jaktrapporten. Påsen fryses och skickas till utsett uppsamlingsställe eller direkt till NRM. På NRM har påsarna tinats och innehållet undersökts makroskopiskt. Vikt bestäms på hjärta, lever, binjurar och gonader. Provtagning för bakteriologisk eller parasitologisk undersökning utförs vid misstanke om infektion. Dessa undersökningar utförs i förekommande fall av Statens Veterinärmedicinska Anstalt (SVA) i Uppsala. Underkäkar kokas och tänder tas ut för snittning och åldersbestämning. För kvalitetssäkrad åldersbestämning har en oberoende avläsning gjorts vid minst två tillfällen per säl. Mag- och tarminnehåll har tillvaratagits för dietstudier. För framtida analyser har vävnadsprover och ben tagits till miljöprovbanken.

    Mikroskopisk undersökning av vävnader har ej utförts eftersom materialet ofta varit kadaveröst förändrat samt fryst. Frysning av vävnaden medför vissa skador på cellnivå. I den följande redovisningen varierar antal undersökta sälar, beroende på att organ saknats i vissa påsar och/eller att jaktrapporter varit ofullständigt ifyllda.

    Graden av sjukliga förändringar i organen har bedömts i fyra steg från -

    utan synlig sjuklig förändring, lindrig, måttlig, till - kraftig förändring. 3

    För bedömning och förekomst av tarmsår, som förekommer hos gråsäl i Östersjön (Bergman, 1999), har bakre delen av

    ileum samt caecum och colon (tunntarmen nära blindtarmen, blindtarmen och grovtarmen) från varje säl samlats för jämförande bedömning vid samma tillfälle.

    Späcktjockleken (hullet) baseras på av jägaren ifylld uppgift i jaktrapporten. Som

    gott hull räknades en späcktjocklek överstigande 35 mm, medelgott hull 26-35 mm och mindre gott hull understigande 26 mm.

    Knubbsälshonor har räknats som könsmogna när en gulkropp (

    corpus luteum) har observerats i äggstockarna.


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  • 39.
    Dahlgren, Henrik
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Danielsson, Sara
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Gustavsson, Nicklas
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Utvärdering av metodik för åldersbestämningav sill och strömming2011Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Resultaten från två olika metoder för åldersbestämning av fisk mha otoliter respektive fjäll

    överensstämmer väl. I 84 % av fallen skiljer sig den uppskattade åldern mellan de två

    metoderna inte mer än ett år. Skillnaderna i åldersbestämningen mellan de två metoderna blir

    tydligare då fiskens ålder överstiger sex år. Ju äldre fisk desto lägre ålder skattas från

    bedömning av fjäll. En slutsats som dras från den här studien är att fördelarna med

    åldersbestämning från fjäll överväger eventuella problem som uppmärksammats vid

    bestämning av ålder på äldre individer.

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  • 40.
    Danielsson, Sara
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Ek, Caroline
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Faxneld, Suzanne
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Winkens Pütz, Kerstin
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Det svenska nationella miljöövervakningsprogrammet för miljögifter i marin biota (fram till 2017 års data) - Temporal- och spatial variation2018Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The report summarises the monitoring activities within the National Swedish Contaminant Programme in marine biota. In this report, we present time series and maps of most contaminants in various species but we only comment results that shows large differences compared to the previous year. Results show that herring from Holmöarna had elevated concentrations during the last two years of the time series for approximately half of the analysed metals, most chlorinated pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and brominated flame retardants (BFRs). The last two years’ Herring is on average one year older than the previous years’, heavier and the last years’ fat percentage is ca. 2 % higher compared to the year before. These differences in biological variables may have had an influence on the elevated contaminant concentrations. Also, herring from Väderöarna shows increasing concentrations for several chlorinated pesticides, PCBs, dioxins, and BFRs during the ten most recent years. A reason for this might be that the included fish were older during the seven most recent years, although their size was similar or smaller than previous years. Additionally, the fat percentage of the tissue has also decreased over time and might influence the results.

    This year’s report is also the first to show PFAS concentrations in Cod, Perch and Eelpout where Perch has the highest concentrations of most PFASs within the Baltic Proper sampling sites.

    This report is also the first report within the Swedish National Monitoring Programme of Contaminants in marine biota presenting environmental contaminant data in eggs of Common tern and Eurasian oystercatcher. In general, many of the compounds could be detected in Common tern and Eurasian oystercatcher.

    Concentrations of several of the contaminants are similar in the two species, but there are exceptions among each contaminant class and even opposing time trends for some contaminants. There are clear differences in contaminant concentrations between species for PCDD/Fs and BFRs; for most PCDD/Fs, concentrations are higher in Eurasian oystercatcher compared to Common tern, while for the BFRs concentrations are higher in Common tern, with the exception of HBCDD.

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  • 41.
    Danielsson, Sara
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Faxneld, Suzanne
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Vasileiou, Maria
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Bignert, Anders
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Contaminants in fish from potentially polluted sites along the Swedish coast with the nationalmonitoring programme as reference2014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In this report, fish from potentially polluted sites along the coast of Sweden were analysed for several contaminants and when possible also compared with concentrations in fish from

    reference sites used within the national monitoring programme for contaminants in marine

    biota. However, it is important to have in mind that for the polluted sites, sampling has only

    been carried one single year and only two pooled samples were analysed from each site,

    which could have effects on the representativeness and the uncertainty of the results.

    Generally, perch and herring from Lilla Värtan had the highest concentrations of mercury,

    lead, nickel, silver, CB-153 and CB-118, DDE, dioxins, brominated flame retardants,

    perfluorinated chemicals, chlorinated paraffins and organotin compounds compared to the

    other polluted sites. Among the stations where eelpout and cod were sampled, Rivöfjord had

    highest concentration of several contaminants. The contaminants include mercury, lead,

    chromium, CB-153 and CB-118, dioxins, brominated flame retardants, perfluorinated

    chemicals, chlorinated paraffins and organotin compounds. It is not very surprising that these two areas show the highest concentrations of several of the investigated contaminants in fish.

    Lilla Värtan is situated in Stockholm and hence is affected by the big city, in addition, heavy

    boat traffic of different kinds are taking place in this water along with several other harmful

    environmental activities in this area. SCCP showed the highest concentrations in herring from

    Lilla Värtan, while perch on the contrary had the lowest concentration of SCCP among all of

    the perch sites. This is however difficult to explain. Rivö fjord is situated just outside

    Gothenburg city and is thus affected by activities in the city. Also, the main part of

    Gothenburg’s harbor activities takes place close by Rivö fjord. Moreover, Ryaverken, which

    is a sewage treatment plant, and two refineries are also affecting the water. Thus, the two

    largest cities in Sweden contribute with a cocktail of contaminants to its surrounding waters.

    In addition, fish from Skelleftebukten, herring and/or perch, had elevated concentrations of

    lead, cadmium, nickel, copper, HCB and BDE-47 and -154. The elevated concentrations of

    different metals in this area could be caused by Rönnskärsverken, which releases metals. In

    addition, there are several industries and mining practices in the area that could have

    contributed with high metal levels. Furthermore, dismantlement activities might contribute

    with the high levels of brominated flame retardants found in this area.

    Kungsbackafjorden, on the Swedish west coast, had high concentrations of cadmium and

    copper in cod and high concentrations of perfluorinated chemicals in both eelpout and cod.

    There is a sewage treatment plant in the area, which might be one explanation for elevated

    concentrations of perfluorinated chemicals.

    Most of the other selected polluted sites for this study had none or just a few contaminants

    that differed from the reference sites in the vicinity. Thus it seems that these sites might not be as burdened by local sources of the investigated substances as has been assumed. On the other hand, when comparing the concentrations with their target values, a few of the contaminants at these sites were above the target values, this included mercury, CB-118, PBDEs and TBT.

    However, the concentrations were not significantly different from reference values, which

    indicates a more widespread problem concerning these contaminants.

    When comparing contaminant concentrations with their respective target value, mercury

    concentrations exceeded the target value for all species at all sites except for herring from

    Örnsköldsviksfjärden. Lead was below the target value at all sites and cadmium was also

    below at all sites except for perch from Skelleftebukten, which exceeded the target value.

    4 CB-153 was in general below the target value, but cod from Rivö fjord and perch from Lilla

    Värtan exceeded it. In contrast, most polluted sites were above the target value for CB-118

    with a few exceptions. Concentrations of DDE were generally below the target value,

    however perch and herring from Lilla Värtan exceeded it and concentrations of DDE in cod

    liver were also above, while the concentration in cod muscle were below target value. HCHs,

    HCB, dioxins, PFOS and HBCDD were below target values for all species at all sites. PBDEs

    on the other hand exceed the target value for all species at all sites. Concentrations of the

    priority substances, DEHP (Di-(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate), HCBD (Hexachlorobutadiene), and

    PeCB (Pentachlorobenzene) were below the target values, these compounds were even below LOQ at most sites. SCCP (short-chained chlorinated paraffins) were well below the target level for all species at all sites. TBT on the other hand, were in perch above the target value at all sites except at Inre Slätbaken and Skelleftebukten. Yttre fjärden and Lilla Värtan had the highest concentrations of TBT and here the target value was also exceeded in herring. Eelpout and cod had concentrations of TBT below the target value.

    In conclusion, Lilla Värtan seems to be the site with the highest concentrations of several

    contaminants and also where several of these exceed the target values. Rivö fjord and

    Skelleftebukten also had higher concentrations of several contaminants compared to the other polluted sites.

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  • 42.
    Danielsson, Sara
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Faxneld, Suzanne
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Sørensen, Anne
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Det svenska nationella miljöövervakningsprogrammet för miljögifter i marin biota (fram till 2018 års data): - Temporal- och spatial variation2020Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The report summarises the monitoring activities within the National Swedish Contaminant Programme in marine biota.

    Few trends are found for the biological variables of the biota included in the programme (age, weight, length, and fulton´s condition factor). This is expected, as samples are selectively selected to avoid trends. However, all variables for Holmöarna in the Bothnian Bay and the fish age at the West Coast sites (Kullen, Fladen and Väderöarna) stands out for herring, cod and perch as having upward trends over the last 10 years. Since many of the contaminants presented in this report bioaccumulate, this is likely to affect the trends presented below.

    For the aggregated herring data (on sub-basin scale) on chlorinated pesticides, PCBs, dioxins and furans, brominated flame retardants and perfluorinated substances (PFAS) a general downward trend for the last 10 years (2009-2018) is seen for all sub-basins (Southern and Northern Baltic Proper and Bothnian Sea and Bay) except the West Coast. On the West Coast, changes are small and often non-significant. The contaminant concentrations are in general lowest on the West Coast but the concentration difference between the West Coast and the other sub-basins has shrunken over the last 10 years as the concentrations in the other sub-basins are decreasing towards West Coast levels. The perfluorinated compound FOSA is an exception to this picture, with 2-4 times higher concentrations on the West Coast compared to the Baltic Sea. For the metals, no common patterns are seen for the aggregated herring data across the metals or for each specific metal between sub-basins.

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  • 43.
    Danielsson, Sara
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Nyberg, Elisabeth
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Bignert, Anders
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Interkallibrering av metallanalyser SLU/ITM2011Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Generellt sett ligger värdena analyserade av de olika laboratorierna på liknande nivåer. De

    ämnen som utmärker sig genom att ha sämst överensstämmande resultat är Ni och Cr. Det

    skulle kunna förklaras av att dessa två ämnen förekommer i låga halter i miljön och därför är

    svåra att analysera. Resultaten för dessa ämnen är systematiskt lägre från ITM jämfört med

    SLU. Resultaten för Ni och Cr stämmer bättre överens i det materialet som analyserats av

    båda laboratorierna åren 1999-2000. Denna skillnad beror sannolikt på att ITM sedan dess

    förändrat analysmetoden för dessa två ämnen.

    Korrelationer mellan resultaten från ITM jämfört med SLU har varit svårare att visa för

    blåmussla, abborre och sillgrissla inom den här studien. Förklaringsgraden (r

    2) är generellt

    sett lägre än för strömming och torsk. Det kan bro på att dessa matriser kommer från endast

    en lokal vilket innebär att det är få individer som ingår i regressionsanalysen samt att

    koncentrationsspannet blir mindre vilket gör det svårare att få signifikanta resultat. För

    abborre och mussla är det heller inte samma individer som har analyserats av de olika

    laboratorierna utan det är medelvärden från samma fångsttillfälle som har jämförts, vilket

    skulle kunna leda till en sämre överensstämmelse mellan analysresultaten. Det syns dock

    ingen tydlig skillnad i överensstämmelse mellan laboratorierna då man jämför strömming från

    Landsort där det inte är samma individer som analyserats mot de övriga tre strömmingslokalerna

    där samma individer analyserats.

    I och med att ITM har tagit över analys av metaller inom det marina övervakningsprogrammet

    från SLU är det viktigt att dessa resultat kan anses jämförbara i tidsserieanalyserna. Den

    temporala utvecklingen av koncentrationer av metaller i den svenska marina miljön ska kunna

    beskrivas utan att påverkas för mycket av analysskillnader mellan laboratorierna. För att

    minimera denna påverkan har resultaten från de linjära regressionsanalyserna samt t-test för

    kvoter mellan de två laboratorierna applicerats på tidsserieanalyserna för att undersöka vilken

    justering av resultat som ger bäst resultat. I fallet för Cd i strömming ger en korrigering för ett

    signifikant resultat från regressionsanalysen en förbättring (minskning) av

    variationskoefficienten, från 43% till 38%, 50% till 41%, 35% till 32%, 32% till 29% för

    respektive lokal (Fig. 1 och 2). Korrigering med kvoten mellan SLU och ITM, signifikant

    skild från 1, ger en liten förbättring av variationskoefficienten, (SD(lr)), för Landsort och

    Utlängan från 35% till 34%, 32% till 31% för respektive lokal (Fig. 1 och 3).

    Utifrån tester med att applicera de olika resultatjusteringarna på tidsseriedata visar det sig att

    det bästa alternativet är att räkna om resultaten från SLU med resultaten från signifikanta

    regressionsanalyser. Vid icke-signifikanta resultat för regressionsanaslysen ger en korrigering

    för kvoten; om den är signifikant skild från 1, i de flesta fall bättre resultat i tidsserieanalysen,

    än om ingen korrigering görs. I de fall där inga tillförlitliga resultat erhållits lämnas data

    ojusterade. För justering av tånglake som ej ingått i jämförelsen används resultat där alla

    fiskarter behandlats tillsammans i analyserna

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  • 44.
    Danielsson, Sara
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Odsjö, Tjelvar
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Bignert, Anders
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Remberger, Mikael
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Organic Contaminants in Moose (Alces alces) and Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in Sweden from the past twenty years: Comments Concerning the National Swedish Contaminant Monitoring Programme in Terrestrial Biota2008Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Föreliggande rapport är resultatet av ett uppdrag från Naturvårdsverket (Överenskommelse 221 0730) som syftar till att ta fram en aktuell bild av förekomsten av ett antal pesticider eller ofullständigt kända föroreningar i svensk terrestrisk natur där alltså osäkerhet om ämnenas spridning och ackumulation i landlevande organismvärlden råder. Som matris i detta fall har vävnader och organ av älg och ren från mellersta respektive norra Sverige valts. Matriserna finns tillgängliga i Miljöprovbanken vid Naturhistoriska riksmuseet Valet av ämnen har vägletts av tidigare resultat från övervakningen av föroreningar i svensk natur samt av resultat från screeningundersökningar av ofullständigt kända ämnen som tagits fram i Naturvårdsvekets regi. Listan över analyserade ämnen innehåller enskilda substanser samt närbesläktade substanser tillhörande bl. a. följande grupper: klorbensen, HCBD, oktaklorstyren, PCB, DDT, klordan, HCH, PBDE, dioxiner, furaner, endosulfan, heptaklor, pentaklorfenol och PAH. Från Grimsö i Västmanland har vävnadsprover av årskalvar av älg insamlats till Miljöprovbanken och använts för analys av innehåll av miljögifter i denna studie. Med några få undantag är de provtagna individerna av hankön. Skillnader i halter av kadmium mellan könen har i tidigare studier visat sig icke existera. De utvalda proven av älg representerar perioden 1986-2005. Ett homogenat av muskel har beretts per år under perioden baserat på 10 g av tio individer per år. På samma sätt har prover av ren från sommarbetet S Abisko årligen insamlats i Rensjön NV Kiruna i samband med första höstslakten i mitten av september. Vävnadsprover har tagits av handjur av en ålder mellan 2 och 4 år, mestadels av 3-åriga djur. 1998 uppsköts den ordinarie slakten från första halvan av september till första halvan av november, vilket bör uppmärksammas vid tolkningen av analysresultaten. På samma sätt sköts slakten 2004 fram till mitten av december. Det förhållandet att renen förflyttas avsevärda sträckor under höstvandringen, från sommarbetet i de västra delarna av fjällkedjan till det mellansvenska skogslandet under vintern medför en ändring av föda, vilket kan inverka på exponering och bioackumulation av de studerade substanserna. Ju längre avvikelse från normal slakttid desto längre exponering via lavar som är stapelföda i skogslandet under vintern och som innehåller högre koncentrationer av många ackumulerade ämnen. För den aktuella studien valdes hanrenar av tre års ålder härrörande från Gabna, Lævas and Girjas samebyar vilka bildar ett sammanhängande område i norra Lappland. Provserien omfattar perioden 1987-2006. Ett homogenat per år bereddes baserat på 12 g muskel från tio individer per år. Många av de analyserade ämnena förekommer i koncentrationer under detektionsnivån (LOD) under alla eller de flesta av de undersökta åren (Tabell 2). Halterna funna i älg och ren är i många fall lägre än de nivåer som observerats i fisk från såväl limniska som marina områden. Som exempel har PBDE och HBCD inte ens detekterats i vare sig älg eller ren men finns närvarande i både insjöfisk och havsfisk (Bignert et al 2008). Penta- och hexaklorbensen, oktaklorstyren, polyklorerade bifenyler, - och -hexaklor-cyklohexan och polycykliska aromatiska kolväten förekommer samtliga i halter över LOD under samtliga eller större delen av åren under den undersökta perioden. Koncentrationerna av dessa ämnen har sjunkit med undantag för PAH där koncentrationerna är ungefär desamma under hela perioden. Den genomsnittliga årliga nedgången ligger mellan 3% och 10% med undantag för -HCH som visar den mest uttalade minskningen med 22% i älg och 17% i ren. Dessa resultat är samstämmiga med vad som observerats i biota från insjöar och marina områden i Sverige (Bignert et al. 2008, Bignert 2001). De sjunkande halterna i landanknuten biota under de gångna 20 åren är sannolikt orsakade av regleringar och ansträngningar för att minimera utsläpp av kända persistenta, bioackumulerande och toxiska ämnen till miljön. Ämnen hörande till PAHerna är huvudsakligen oavsiktligt spridda genom ofullständig förbränning av organiska ämnen. Källorna är många och varierande och till följd därav svåra att åtgärda med förbättringar. Detta är troligtvis förklaringen till avsaknaden av nedgående tendens för PAHer. Koncentrationerna av PFCs i både älg och ren var i allmänhet låga. Samtliga analyserade prover hade koncentrationer under LOQ. Närvaro av PFOSA, PFOS och PFOA kunde emellertid detekteras vissa år men inte i nivåer tillräckligt höga för att kvantifieras

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  • 45.
    Dunca, Elena
    et al.
    Annat lärosäte.
    Boalt, Elin
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Samband mellan skaltillväxt och ålder hos blåmusslan (Mytilus edulis) i Östersjön2011Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Dunca, E. & Boalt, E. 2011. Rapport Nr 6/2011: Shell length and age relationship in blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) from Baltic Sea.

    Blue mussels from five Baltic Sea locations (Landskrona, Kullen, Abbekås, Dragviksfjärden och Högby fyr) were age determined employing a special method developed at the Swedish museum of Natural History in Stockholm during late 90s. This method was compared with the most common method of age determination by counting the annual rings on the shell surface of the bivalves.

    The shell length of the five populations bivalves in this study was then expressed as a function of their age in growth diagrams. Shell size varies between the mussel populations as well as the age distribution. In order to estimate the age of the mussels by their shell length growth curves were constructed for each population. The growth curves were calculated using several formulas but the most reliable was the von Bertanlanffy growth equation.

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  • 46.
    Ek, caroline
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Danielsson, Sara
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Faxneld, Suzanne
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Sundbom, Marcus
    Executive, Universitet, Stockholms universitet, SU, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för tillämpad miljövetenskap, ITM.
    Utvärdering av stabila isotoper som metod för att uppskatta trofinivå i abborre (Perca fluviatilis) från Svenska sjöar2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires member states to implement a strategy to meet the environmental quality standards (EQS) set by the WFD for a number of priority substances. Since the EQSs listed in the WFD are derived to protect the most sensitive species in the ecosystem, often top predators or humans, it has been decided that for certain priority substances the quality standards should be compared to a monitoring species with a trophic position (TP) similar to the diet of the most sensitive species. To enable such adjustment require both knowledge about the monitoring species TP in the food web as well as the relationship between contaminant concentration and trophic position. In this study, we focus on finding a suitable method for TP estimates of perch in Swedish lakes by evaluating both traditional stable isotope analysis in bulk samples (BSIA) using different baseline matrices and the more recent development of compound-specific stable isotope analysis in amino acids (CSIA-AA). For this, three representative monitoring lakes were selected in which perch together with potential baseline matrices (bivalves, gastropods and sediment) were sampled. We applied triple-isotope analyses, δ15N, δ13C and δ34S, of bulk material of all sampled matrices, and in addition δ15N in perch using CSIA-AA. Results showed that TP estimates derived from CSIA-AA were significantly (p<0.001) lower compared to all the BSIA-derived methods and further that the BSIA-derived TP estimates using gastropods as a baseline were significantly higher (p<0.001) than all other TP estimates. Since no statistical differences could be detected between TP estimates based on bivalves, sediment or a ‘mixture’ baseline these were assumed to produce similar results and therefore all valid baseline matrices for TP estimates of perch in these three lakes. In the present study we also attempted to adjust mercury contaminant data to a specific TP of 3.5 according to the WFD. The adjustment resulted in significantly different concentration for one of the two tested lakes but did not influence the chemical status classification as all lakes were well above the threshold for mercury in freshwater lakes.

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  • 47.
    Ek, Caroline
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Winkens Pütz, Kerstin
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Danielsson, Sara
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Faxneld, Suzanne
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Screening for pharmaceuticals, phthalates and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in bivalves sampled along the Swedish coast2019Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Within the Swedish National Monitoring Programme for Contaminants in marine biota, a selection of the wide array of contaminants that can be found in the environment is analysed. Analysing the samples for all possible contaminants would hardly be feasible, however, screening for different substance groups is a way to investigate if and where new substances arise and may pose a threat to wildlife and humans. In this report, data from a spatial screening study is presented, which aimed to densify the ongoing Swedish National Monitoring Programme for Contaminants in marine biota with regard to pharmaceuticals, phthalates and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The study includes 16 sampling sites along the Swedish coast, from where two different species of bivalves, Limecola balthica and Mytilus edulis, were collected. All applied sampling material in this screening study originates from the Swedish Environmental Specimen Bank of the Swedish Museum of Natural History. The screening included a total of 100 pharmaceuticals, out of which 17 were detected and quantified in at least one sampling site. Risperidone was the pharmaceutical detected at most sites (10 of 13). The only detected phthalate was di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), which was found in the samples from 3 of 13 sampling sites. Among the PAHs, Benzo(a)pyrene was the substance quantified at most sites (14 out of 16). No geographical patterns could be identified for the detected contaminants, besides for the PAHs. However, this pattern could also be due to a difference in species rather than due to location. PAHs could be detected in the Bothnian Sea and the Sea of Åland, where to date no mussel sampling sites exist within the Swedish National Monitoring Programme for Contaminants in marine biota. The Baltic clam might be a good additional monitoring species besides the Blue mussel, due to their difference in feeding strategy and the potential higher PAH uptake from contaminated sediments rather than the water phase.

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  • 48.
    Ek, Helene
    et al.
    Executive, Universitet, Göteborgs universitet, Göteborgs universitet, biologi och miljövetenskap.
    Förlin, Lars
    Executive, Universitet, Göteborgs universitet, Göteborgs universitet, biologi och miljövetenskap.
    Sandström, Olof
    Executive, Företag, Skärgårdsutveckling SKUTAB AB.
    Larsson, Åke
    Executive, Universitet, Göteborgs universitet, Göteborgs universitet, arbets- och miljömedicin.
    Appelberg, Magnus
    Executive, Myndigheter, Havs- och vattenmyndigheten, HaV.
    Bignert, Anders
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Olsson, Mats
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Integrated fish monitoring in Sweden2009Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    The purpose of this report is to present a review and an evaluation of thestrategy of integrated fish monitoring included in the Swedish national marinemonitoring programme. As a background to the review an assessment is madeof some of the long-term changes observed in monitoring.The project is financed by the Environment Protection Agency (Contract no.212 0326) and the Faculty of Science, Göteborg University. The project leader isProf. Åke Larsson. Dr Olof Sandström, Skärgårdsutveckling SKUTAB AB, is contractedas external reviewer of the programme. Subproject leaders and participantsin the programme have contributed with results and comments on thepaper.

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  • 49.
    Enhus, Carolina
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Boalt, Elin
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Bignert, Anders
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    A retrospective study of metals and stable isotopes in seals from Swedish waters2011Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Concentrations of Hg in Swedish marine systems are generally lower than in fresh water

    systems, but still often exceed environmental target levels. As top predators in many

    marine food webs, seals are exposed to heavy metals, like Hg and Cd, which are known

    to biomagnify with increasing trophic level in the food web. Therefore, studies of Hg

    concentrations over time are preferably conducted in relation to seal diet during the

    same period. By analysis of naturally occurring stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes it is

    possible to determine on which trophic level a certain organism is located and where it

    feeds. The aim of the present study was to try to establish background concentrations of

    Hg and some other metals in Swedish marine waters by analyses of seal bones from the

    1840s and forward. Stable isotopes were analyzed in order to discover possible

    correlations between metal concentrations and trophic level, and changes over time in

    dietary intake of metals.

    No significant change in metal concentrations was seen over time, except for a

    significant decrease in Zn concentrations in Baltic Grey seal. A significant difference in


    15N and δ13C values between species and between Baltic and Skagerrak areas was

    discovered. No significant correlation between δ

    15N or δ13C values and metals was

    found, however, the seal with the highest δ

    15N value (Harbor seal) also had the highest

    Hg concentration. Even though the δ

    15N values suggested an increase over time the

    increase was not statistically significant. No statistically significant change over time was

    found in δ

    13C values.

    It is important to keep in mind that this study was based on 44 individual seals spread

    over 126 years. Data on sex and age was lacking for almost half of the seals, which made

    statistical analysis on these parameters difficult to perform. Even though no obvious

    trends or differences in metal concentrations between areas and species were seen, the

    results from this study can serve as a base for further studies and provide valuable

    information for interpreting the actual contamination load in Swedish marine systems.

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  • 50.
    Enhus, Carolina
    et al.
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Boalt, Elin
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    Bignert, Anders
    Executive, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM.
    The relationship between mercury and selenium in Baltic herring - a retrospective study2011Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Hg is known to affect productivity, reproduction and survival of coastal and marine animals and when deposited in aquatic ecosystems the metal can be bioaccumulated in the food web. Se is a naturally occurring essential nonmetal that is present in all cells. It has many important functions in the cell and it also stimulates the immune system. The relationship between Hg and Se has been subject to numerous studies and the majority point to a negative relationship between the two elements, showing mitigating effects of Se on Hg toxicity. However, some studies have shown no relationship between Hg and Se concentrations and others demonstrate a positive relationship between the two. Generally a large excess of Se in relation to Hg has been observed in fish. The tissue concentrations of and the relationship between Hg and Se are suggested to be dependent on a number of factors, such as the relative concentrations of the elements and their bioavailabilities. The aim of this study was to investigate the temporal trends and the relationship between Hg and Se concentrations in herring muscle at three different locations along the Swedish east coast. Further, the aim was to give recommendations to whether Se concentrations in fish in Swedish waters should be included in the SCMPMB.

    Concentrations of Hg in herring muscle were generally higher than concentrations of Se. The highest Hg concentrations were found in herring muscle from Ängskärsklubb, while Landsort had the highest Se concentrations. Se concentrations in herring muscle were decreasing at Utlängan and Ängskärsklubb.

    The results from this study indicate a complex relationship between Hg and Se concentrations in herring muscle, depending on the magnitude of the Hg concentration. At Hg concentrations below 40 ng/g, a negative correlation between Hg and Se was seen, while at concentrations of Hg above 40 ng/g w.w the correlation to Se was positive. The conclusion of this study is that concentrations of Se in herring from Swedish waters should be included in the SCMPMB.


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