Sweden annually reports emissions to air to the UNECE Convention of Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). As Party to the Convention, in 2000 Sweden ratified the Aarhus Protocols on Heavy Metal and on Persistent Or-ganic Pollutants (POPs), committing to reduce its protocol emissions below the 1990 level. However, the Swedish emission inventories on HM and POPs are in-complete and associated with large uncertainties. The aim of this study was to as-sess the need for updating and improving the Swedish inventory reporting of heavy metals and POPs emissions to air. As information from industrial plants for some sectors are scarce, in this study information from the EEA/EMEP Guidebook and other Nordic countries have been scrutinized to enable good coverage of emission sources.
Based on the results of this study there are several indications that the heavy metals and POPs inventories are in need of improvement. Especially for HCB and PCB the need is substantial due to the lack of reported emission sources in the Swedish inventories. Based on information from annual plant-specific environmental re-ports, information on process-related heavy metals emissions from cement produc-tion and metal production are available for implementation or further quality re-view. Moreover, this study shows that where the inventories are lacking emission sources, information available in the Guidebook or in other Nordic countries’ emis-sion inventories could be used as a complement. Several recommendations on im-
provements are presented in this study.