I denna rapport gors en uppfoljning av utvecklingen for trad-, busk- och impedimentsrika
betesmarker och slatterangar. Bakgrunden ar att Sverige andrat reglerna
for vilka angs- och betesmarker som berattigar till gardsstod och miljoersattning.
Andringen ar gjord p.g.a. att EU-kommissionen kritiserat Sverige for att stod
beviljats for mark som enligt kommissionen inte var jordbruksmark, bl.a. pa grund
av antalet trad. Rapporten fokuserar pa hur nu gallande betesmarksdefinition
bidrar till eller utgor hinder for att miljomalet Ett rikt odlingslandskap ska nas.
Annat som paverkar miljomalsuppfyllelsen, som lonsamheten i produktionen
inkluderas inte. Foreslagna atgarder avgransas ocksa till justeringar i stodreglerna
samt hur man kan fanga upp ytterligare marker inom nuvarande stodsystem.
En risk med den nya betesmarksdefinitionen ar att stodsystemet tappar i fortroende
bland brukarna. Till 2011 minskade arealen inom miljoersattningarna med
30 000 ha jamfort med innan betesmarksdefinitionen andrades. Det har inte gatt
att utreda har hur stor del av minskningen som beror pa andringar av blockgranserna
och hur mycket som beror pa att man valt att inte langre soka ersattningen.
Enligt en enkatstudie finns sju procent av betesmarksarealen hos brukare som
overvager att inte langre soka miljoersattningen. Skalen varierar och tycks spegla
dels missnoje med regelverket och dels sviktande lonsamhet i branschen.
Merparten av den areal som inte langre inkluderas i betesmarksblocken saknar
sadana naturvarden att den kan klassas som en havdgynnad naturtyp. En liten del
av den bortritade arealen ar exploaterad for andra andamal. Det mesta ar skog och
igenvuxen betesmark. Det finns dock aven marker med hoga natur- och kulturvarden
som fallit ur stodsystemet och den regionala variationen ar stor. Det ar viktigt
att fanga upp dessa marker via radgivning och sakra havden av dem framover.
Dels bor radgivningen forsoka fanga upp de marker som utan atgard skulle kunna
berattiga till en eller flera stodformer. Dels bor den syfta till att rojningar genomfors
i ratt marker och pa ratt satt utifran natur- och kulturmiljovardena.
Brukarna har rojt mer i och med regelandringen. Det ar i sig positivt eftersom
igenvaxning ar ett stort hot mot betesmarkerna. Dock har jattetrad och grova trad
rojts bort i minst lika stor utstrackning som andra trad. Darmed forloras stora
natur- och kulturvarden som inte gar att aterskapa inom overskadlig tid. Att sa
sma ytor som 100 respektive 1 000 kvadratmeter betraktas som icke stodberattigande
innebar att man inte kan ha en helhetssyn pa betesmarkerna med gallande
definition. Redan nu kan tendenser till en minskad variation i betesmarkerna ses,
vilket ar ett problem for miljomalsuppfyllelsen. Det uppstar ocksa konflikter med
art- och habitatdirektivet. Redan i tidigare direktivsrapportering lag Sverige langt
under de forekomster som behovs for manga av odlingslandskapets naturtyper.
Sverige kan forvantas ha annu samre resultat i nasta rapportering 2013, delvis pa
grund av regeltillamningen inom CAP.
I forhandlingarna kring EU:s framtida jordbrukspolitik ar det viktigt att arbeta for
en annan hantering av betesmarkerna. Den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken bor
vara ett kraftfullt verktyg for bevarandet av gemensamt utpekade bevarandevarda
naturtyper. Det kraver att betesmarkerna hanteras pa ett annat satt an akermark.
Betesmarkerna maste behandlas med en helhetssyn som speglar betydelsen av
variationen och traditionella inslag i betesmarkerna.
This report presents a follow-up concerning the development of meadows and pastures
rich in trees and bushes, as well as those which are largely barren. Sweden
has changed the rules concerning which meadows and pastures are applicable for
the Single Payment Scheme (SPS) and Agri-Environmental Payments (AEP).
These changes have been made after criticism forwarded by the EU-Commission
regarding support to land that, according to the Commission, is not agricultural
land e.g. due to a high coverage of trees. The report focuses on how the current
definition of permanent grassland contributes to or constitutes an obstacle for
reaching the national environmental objective for amount of permanent grassland
used. Other factors that affect the fulfillment of the environmental objective, for
instance profitability in production, are not included. Suggested measures are limited
to adjustments in the support rules as well as how the management of additional
land could be secured within the current support system.
A risk with the new grassland definition is that farmers are losing confidence in
the support system. Up until 2011 the pastureland area included in environmental
schemes decreased with 30 000 hectares compared to before the definition was
changed. It has not been possible to investigate how much of the decline that is due
to changes in parcel boundaries and how much that can be ascribed to farmers
choosing not to apply for support. According to a questionnaire, farmers who say
they will not apply for environmental support any longer hold seven percent of the
pastureland. The reasons given for that vary and seem to reflect a discontentment
with support regulations as well as diminishing profits in the sector.
The majority of the area, which no longer entitles to neither SPS nor AEP, lacks
such qualities that it may be classified as a management dependent habitat type
listed in the Habitats Directive. A small portion of the deleted area is exploited for
other uses, but the major part is forest and overgrown pastureland. However, one
fifth of what has been withdrawn from the Land Parcel Identification System is
constituted by such listed habitats. I.e. land with high biodiversity levels and often
with high cultural heritage qualities. It is important to identify this land through
advisory services and to secure continued management of it. The advisory services
should try to secure the land that, without any measures, could entitle to one or
several forms of support. It should also aim at securing that clearing is performed
in the right pastures and in a correct way from a biodiversity and cultural heritage
point of view.
Due to the changed definition, farmers have increased land clearance. Typically,
this is positive, as overgrowth is a considerable threat for pastureland. However,
old trees and veteran trees have been cleared in the same extent as other trees.
Thus, biodiversity and cultural heritage values, that cannot be recreated within a
foreseeable time are lost. The fact that areas as small as 100 and 1 000 square
meters respectively is considered as ineligible for support means that a comprehensive
view on pastureland is not possible using the current definition. A tendency
of a diminished variation in pastureland can be seen already, which is a
problem from an environmental objective point of view. Conflicts with the Habitats
Directive also arise. According to the last report on the Habitats Directive
(2007), Sweden had an unfavorable conservation status for most directive habitats
and species that are dependent on management. Sweden can be expected to have
an even poorer result in the next reporting in 2013, in part due to the regulation
enforcement within the CAP.
In the negotiations concerning the future agricultural policy of the EU, it is important
to aim for an alternative handling procedure of pastureland. The common
agricultural policy should be a powerful tool for the preservation of the commonly
identified habitats worth preserving. This requires that pastureland is submitted to
a different set of support rules compared to arable land. Pastureland must be managed
in a comprehensive way that reflects the importance of variation and traditional
elements in pastureland.