Concentrations of Hg in Swedish marine systems are generally lower than in fresh water
systems, but still often exceed environmental target levels. As top predators in many
marine food webs, seals are exposed to heavy metals, like Hg and Cd, which are known
to biomagnify with increasing trophic level in the food web. Therefore, studies of Hg
concentrations over time are preferably conducted in relation to seal diet during the
same period. By analysis of naturally occurring stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes it is
possible to determine on which trophic level a certain organism is located and where it
feeds. The aim of the present study was to try to establish background concentrations of
Hg and some other metals in Swedish marine waters by analyses of seal bones from the
1840s and forward. Stable isotopes were analyzed in order to discover possible
correlations between metal concentrations and trophic level, and changes over time in
dietary intake of metals.
No significant change in metal concentrations was seen over time, except for a
significant decrease in Zn concentrations in Baltic Grey seal. A significant difference in
15N and δ13C values between species and between Baltic and Skagerrak areas was
discovered. No significant correlation between δ
15N or δ13C values and metals was
found, however, the seal with the highest δ
15N value (Harbor seal) also had the highest
Hg concentration. Even though the δ
15N values suggested an increase over time the
increase was not statistically significant. No statistically significant change over time was
found in δ
13C values.
It is important to keep in mind that this study was based on 44 individual seals spread
over 126 years. Data on sex and age was lacking for almost half of the seals, which made
statistical analysis on these parameters difficult to perform. Even though no obvious
trends or differences in metal concentrations between areas and species were seen, the
results from this study can serve as a base for further studies and provide valuable
information for interpreting the actual contamination load in Swedish marine systems.
2011. , p. 15