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Field instruction for the national inventory of the landscape in Sweden
Responsible organisation
2007 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

The manual begins with a general description of the National Inventory of the Landscape in Sweden (NILS), followed by detailed information about the field inventory. Each inventory module starts with a short explanation of the criteria that needs to be met in order to register the object, and an overview of the procedures. This is followed by a detailed description of how the different variables are to be registered. The program in the field computer has different sub-menus depending on the type of inventory object, i.e. some variables are flow directing. Because of this, the order in the manual is not always the same as that in the computer program. In order to facilitate work with the field computer, there is a flowchart for every inventory module. The Appendices contain definitions, technical instructions, species lists and other information.The following people have contributed with text and viewpoints to the manual: Åke Bruhn, Hans Ivarsson, Hans Kallur, Nic Kruys, Lars Lundin, Per Löfgren, Ronny Löfstrand, Jon Moen, Björn Nilsson, Torgny Nilsson, Anki Weibull and Örjan Östman. The field inventory members have continuously supplied valuable opinions and additions. Revision of the 2007 edition has been made by Åsa Gallegos.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet , 2007.
Keywords [en]
imageryBaseMapsEarthCover, farming, biota, environment
Keywords [sv]
Sweden, Skog, Jordbrukslandskap, Modules, Våtmark, Sample plots, Habitat types, Fjäll, Landscape squares, Mossor
National Category
Environmental Sciences
Research subject
URN: urn:nbn:se:naturvardsverket:diva-104Local ID: 1b5c9e22-2637-4efe-b4a5-905aa9333a65OAI:, id: diva2:657669
Available from: 2013-10-21 Created: 2013-10-21

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