Several problems need to be solved to achieve Sweden’s long-term climate goals by 2045, create a circular economy and reduce the amount of plastic in our oceans and in nature. Fossil-based plastics need to be replaced by materials with lower climate impact, and we need to identify the value of plastics to increase recycling and reduce leakage of plastics. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for National Plastic Coordination, which aims to demonstrate the importance of society’s efforts and the opportunities to join forces and jointly achieve a societal transition for plastics. National Plastic Coordination gathers and disseminates knowledge to support sustainable plastic use nationally and in the international collaborations in which Sweden participates. National Plastic Coordination also aims to improve collaboration among stake[1]holders and to identify and implement activities promoting sustainable plastics use. Collaboration for sustainable utilisation is a joint endeavour and process within and among county administrative boards, regions, municipalities, research, the private sector and public authorities. National Plastic Coordination seeks to be a driving force in this work. By contributing to increased knowledge and collaboration, National Plastic Coordination will facilitate and strengthen stakeholder efforts to contribute to environmental objectives and the United Nations’ global Sustainable Development Goals. This is done by creating measures for the sustainable use of plastics in the right context, in resource- and climate-efficient, non-toxic and circular flows and without any leakage. This report has been produced as part of the work with National Plastic Coordination.