Working together to meet the objectives
Central government agencies The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has overall responsibility for follow-up of the objectives. A review of progress is reported annually on the Environmental Objectives Portal. Every four years once every parliamentary term – an in-depth evaluation is presented.
This work is carried out in consultation with other authorities with responsibilities within the environmental objectives system, and with input from non-governmental bodies.
County administrative boards and local authorities
County administrative boards are responsible for regional efforts to attain the environmental objectives. They adopt regional goals, develop and promote appropriate measures and monitor progress.
Local authorities use the objectives in land use planning and other activities, and work for a better environment in dialogue with local people, companies and other stakeholders.
All Party Committee
An All Party Committee of MPs exists to advise the Government on how the environmental quality objectives can be achieved. The Committee is assisted by advisers and experts from public authorities, non-governmental organisations and government ministries.