Today Sweden has almost 70 market-based instruments in use. According to OECD’s country review, this means that Sweden probably has more economic instruments in use than any other country. However, environmental externalities are in most cases not fully refl ected in the prices due to the fact that the taxes are too low. This also means that signifi cant changes in behaviors are diffi cult to achieve.There is a growing interest among analysts and policymakers towards extending the environmental tax base to include new taxes on natural resources and chemical compounds.This report is the fi nal study from the project “Prerequisites for increased use of taxes on raw materials and chemicals” (Förutsättningar för ökad användning av skatter på råvaror och kemikalier), commissioned and fi nanced by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The report’s main focus is to evaluate the effectiveness and the effi ciency of environmental taxes on selected natural resources and chemical compounds. And further more to analyze the future potential for increased implementation of such taxation policies in Sweden.