The questions relating to the general public’s knowledge of and attitude to climate change, including acceptance of measures, were put to 1 000 people between 8 and 22 September 2008. Equivalent questions have been asked every year since 2002. The term “greenhouse effect” has been replaced by “climate change” since the 2007 survey. The questions concerning the views of the general public on the efforts of companies to deal with climate change were asked between 15 and 18 September 2008, the questions concerning attitudes and consumer behaviour between 22 and 26 September 2008 and the question concerning how people wish to receive information was asked between 15 and 21 October 2008. All these questions were put to 1 000 people as part of an omnibus (multi-purpose) survey. Data were collected for all the questions by telephone interview.The survey company ARS Research AB carried out the various opinion surveys presented in this report on behalf of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.Worries over a financial downturn may have influenced views on the significance of the issue of climate change in all the surveys. The global financial crisis of the autumn of 2008 began in the United States on Monday 15 September.This summary and the background reports and tables on which it is based can be downloaded from