The objective of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants is to protect human health and the environment from the substances listed in the Con-vention. Under the Convention, each Party is to develop and endeavour to imple-ment a plan for the fulfillment of its Convention obligations. The Government has commissioned the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency to review and update the National Implementation Plan in cooperation with the Swedish Chemicals Agency and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. In preparing this report, the three agencies have consulted several other agencies.
The Eighth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention was held 24-27 April 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting adopted 27 deci-sions. Some of the main outcomes of the Conference include the listing of three new chemicals which had been recommended by the POPRC, namely decaBDE and short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) in Annex A and hexachlorobutadi-ene (HCBD) in Annex C. All substances listed up to the conference of the Parties in 2015 have been included in this report and references to legislation and work in the EU have been made.
A decision on this report was taken by the acting Director General, on 23 Novem-ber 2017, in collaboration with the Swedish Chemicals Agency and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management.
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency,
Martin Eriksson, acting Director General