”protect – preserve – present” is a programme developed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency in order to clarify its measures and objectives for realizing the ambitions stated in the Swedish government official document A Comprehensive Policy for Nature Conservation with regard to the use and management of protected areas. Sweden currently has 28 national parks and 2552 nature reserves with a combined area of around four million hectares (ca. 9.9 million acres). In addition, 3992 Natura 2000 sites have been designated thus far. All of these protected areas must be managed in accordance with stated objectives. The programme addresses the issue of LOCAL PARTICIPATION, an important aspect of efforts to win local support for conservation measures. MANAGEMENT PLANS play a key role in specifying how supervising agencies are to carry out measures for the further development and fulfilment of goals for the conservation of biodiversity and outdoor recreation opportunities. One of the functions of conservation plans is to explain the purpose of Natura 2000 sites. OUTDOOR RECREATION provides opportunities for relaxation of body and soul, which is of great importance to human well-being. Getting out into the open for such activities as walking and nature study increases life quality, and promotes both physical and psychic health. Sustainable, environmentally friendly tourism in protected areas benefits both nature conservation and society at large. PUBLIC INFORMATION in protected areas can by provided by a variety of means, from simple entrance signs to guided walks and visitor centers with exhibitions and various activities. Entrances to protected areas are important for the overall impression of a visit. An important task of the management is MANAGING VARIOUS TYPES OF HABITATS. Knowledge of carry out that task is essential for those responsible for supervising protected areas. Another important task is to FOLLOW-UP AND EVALUATE the work that is carried out, in order to determine if and when conservation goals are fulfilled. It is also important to spread knowledge of good examples and to increase the sharing of experience. Toward those ends, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has formulated a number of objectives and set deadlines for achieving them. The most important elements of the programme, ”Protect – Preserve – Present”, are thirty measures, for each of which it is specified what is to be done, by whom and when. Implementation of some measures began in 2004, but work on the majority will begin during 2005. The basic programme will continue until 2015, but work connected with some objectives will continue until 2020.