One-off survey of 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenol and short chained chlorinated paraffins in the Göta Älv estuary, Sweden
Ansvarlig organisasjon
2008 (engelsk)Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
Abstract [sv]
As an assignment from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Swedish Research Institute (IVL) has performed measurements of 2,4,6-tri-tert butylphenol and Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins (SCCPs) in sediments. The study has been carried out based on Annex 2: Strategy for a base line one off survey for SCCPs (Agenda Item 7, ASMO 06/7/2-E-(L)) and from the OSPAR meeting, Meeting of the environmental assessment and monitoring committee (ASMO, Hamburg: 24-28 April 2006). These measurements is a Swedish contribution to an “OSPAR base line one off survey” with sampling and analysis of SCCPs and 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenol in sediments collected in Göta Älv estuary on the Swedish west coast. This sampling was planned according to the advice to the design of the one-off surveys of chemicals identified for priority actions by ICES 2005 according to points 1-3: 1. The purpose of the one-off surveys is to gain a rapid overview of the occurrence of certain priority chemicals in the marine environment. This could be achieved already by small scale surveys through a limited number of samples, using one sampling type only (for example sediments) and concentrating sampling in estuaries; 2. A minimum of five samples per Contracting Party was required for a focused survey comprising one sample for reference, two samples from polluted areas and two samples from less polluted areas; 3. Sampling could be carried out for the purpose of several one-off surveys for different substances if provided in quantities of 50-500 g of the top centimetres of the sediments. If frozen and kept in a sample bank, the samples could be used at any time when the budget became available for their analysis and for the completion of the survey; This project was carried out in cooperation between IVL and the consultant Marine Monitoring Ltd. Apart from the 2,4,6-tri-tert butylphenol, analysis of 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol and 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol were also included in this study.
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet AB , 2008.
Emneord [en]
geoscientificInformation, oceans, environment
Emneord [sv]
Göta älv, Eriksberg, Klinten, Rivö, Marin miljö, 6-tri-tert butylphenol, Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins, SCCP, 2, pollution, marine environment, Sediment, 4
HSV kategori
Miljöövervakningens programområden, Kust och hav; Sveriges miljömål, Giftfri miljö
URN: urn:nbn:se:naturvardsverket:diva-228Lokal ID: 58507587-39C5-4016-84AB-EED741017529OAI:, id: diva2:657793
2013-10-212013-10-212013-11-08bibliografisk kontrollert